Comments on: This Hormone Could Be Keeping You Sick Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:08:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shasha In reply to James.

HI, Asthma can be due to gluten which may hurt intestines so less minerals like Mg absorb. Mercury may block Zn and other chemicals reactions. Far Infrared Sauna/sweating may help lower mercury and other heavy metals fast. Hair tests show good minerals/heavy metals. Yes…I got my mitochondria/adrenals hurt by heavy metals. See my above comment. Best wishes.

By: Shasha In reply to Heidi.

HI, Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats/corn/rice. Eating grain free may help and no dairy/sugar/soy/GMO/food with a label. Progesterone may help make cortisol. Hard exercise/Celiac may hurt. You may have had to take in so many calories due to not absorbing your food in your intestines. Juicing/organic fruit/vegetables/raw walnuts (open the shell to avoid hidden gluten and freeze so fresh)/poached antibiotic free eggs/sunlight/Vit D3 5000IU/Mg/Cr/Zn/fish oil 2000mg/rhodiola/coenyzme Q10/HCl and enzymes with meals/strong probiotic like Orthobiotic before a meal….oregon grape root/alpha lipoic acid/Cr/Mg (may help blood sugar)….Osteoprocare….evening primrose oil/Vit E/Vit C/Vit A/mushrooms/Essiac/slippery elm/aloe vera and more help me. Vit C and B vitamins may help the adrenals. Vit B12 with intrinsic factor may help stress/sleep. Vit C in fruit is best than supplement. Lyme/coinfections may hurt. Zyto scan shows infections and how organs/glands are working. Hair test shows good minerals/heavy metals. Genova test shows hormones. Ozone/herbs may help infections instead of antibiotics which hurt mitochondria etc. I need estriol/progesterone/testosterone bioidentical hormones in the right ratios. Amour thyroid may help more than Synthroid. Synthroid may help if Zn/Se/enough iron/probiotic helps convert T4 to T3 and may help a person get through the night with thyroid dose. Below is the short/long version of what I do. Best wishes.

No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label etc. and vitamins/good oils/minerals/probiotic…. LDN and detoxing help me. Vit D3 5000IU, zinc 50mg if detoxing, 2000mg fish oil, 2000mg evening primrose oil. 2000 mg lecithin, Phosphatidylserine/DMAE, krill oil, CLA, Coenzyme Q10, Rhodiola, Mg citrate 400mg, Vit C, 5000mcg of biotin, 10,000IU of Vit A, Nature’s Plus- Source of life multiple, HCl and Now brand- Super enzymes with meals, dairy free strong probiotic, Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/spray/under the tongue kind/intrinsic factor kind…. MTHF folate, coenyzme Q10, rhodiola, may help brain/body/thyroid/depression/immune system and more. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye/corn…oats has gluten with avenin…and there is a small amount of gluten in rice. GMO corn/soy/canola oil may hurt. Amour thyroid maybe needed since gluten may make antibodies to the thyroid. Coenzymated B vitamins far from synthetic kind made me calm.

Sunlight (helps the immune system and helps to heal the gut lining),exercise, organic food, good water..not tap water, cooking by scratch pure food….. no food in a box/bag/premade/label/restaurant which may help avoid hidden gluten. Certified gluten free food may have 20ppm of gluten…too much. Nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices/food with a label/ lotion/make up etc. may have hidden gluten. One restaurant cooks special for me…rice/veg/tea/extra mushrooms (no meat since the woks may have MSG/gluten in them).

EDTA/DMPS IV chelations from an Alternative doctor, 600mg of cilantro, organic sulfur, Now brand- Detox support, Far Infrared Sauna and more may help detox. Hair tests show good minerals and heavy metals. Heavy metals can block thyroid and other chemical reactions in the body/brain.

LDN may help block hidden gluten/heal the gut lining and help the immune system, but the Celiac diet is still needed. 100% no hidden or microscopic gluten may help. Cutting back on gluten or cheating by eating gluten hurts the immune system. It may take 1 1/2 months to heal the gut lining after getting hidden gluten. HCl and enzymes with meals and gluten enzymes help me. There are now gluten enzymes also a person may use that may help, but LDN helps block gluten in the air/on the skin and all day long.

Amour thyroid has some T3 and Calcitonin. Synthroid is only T4…may not convert to T3. Zn/Se/enough iron/strong probiotic may help convert T4 to T3 for thyroid.

Alternative doctors/chiropractors/acupuncturists and more may help with health/vitamins etc.

Books: No grain No Pain, Wheat Belly, Grain Brain, Dangerous Grains and The Autoimmune Fix and more explain Celiac. Peter Osborne/Tom O’Bryan on Facebook/Youtube.

Longer version:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to eric.

Hi Eric, thanks for reaching out! We highly suggest working with a trusted functional medicine practitioner, as high cortisol levels can be a sing of the beginning stages of adrenal fatigue as well. If you are in need of one, please do search here:

By: eric hi, what if your Cortisol levels are high? Isn’t Cortisol supposed to be high when fighting an infection? I was diagnosed with SIBO.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Stephanie.

Hi Stephanie, thanks for reaching out again! Sorry you didn’t hear back from us before… we’re stepping up our efforts though.

Sorry to hear that you’re having a hard time right now, but it does get better. 50% of people that try SCD react to the grape juice so we suggest skipping it. Have you read this post from the archives?

Hope this helps!

By: Stephanie Can you pls let me know if the grape juice is suitable for me as I am sure I have salicylate issues with chronic headaches everyday, especially with fruit. Lots of other foods I am sure contribute to the headaches in the salicylate group as well. I also suffer from fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease (in remission) arthritis and impaired glucose intolerance.
Could you pls send me an email as I did ask a question a few months ago and did not hear from anyone. Hope you can help me as I am feeling desperate.
Thanks for your help

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to James.

Hi James, Thank you for reaching out! It is hard to give time frames in general, but especially if we do not have a full health history. Our best suggestion is to find a functional medicine practitioner who can help you regain your health back. You can find one here:

By: James I’m currently phasing out using a corticosteroid inhaler called clenil modulite which I was given for mild asthma 3 years ago. After I started it my symptoms got worse: constant phlegm/mucus/coughing, fatigue, poor mood, reduced exercise stamina, rash under my arm and pruritus ani. The timing of the asthma I can link to a big mercury filling which I had removed last December. I assumed the other symptoms were part of the mercury poisoning but am not shifting them despite taking suitable supplements and following diet advice from here/Perfect Health/MDA/Free The Animal (I don’t have GI symptoms apart from the phlegm but thought my gut was still where most of the problems are persisting).

I now think my corticosteroid may have had as much to do with my problems as the mercury because it reduces my own cortisol production. Would love to know if this sounds likely to you and whether you know what sort of timescale I might be looking at to recover after stopping my inhaler plus any extra advice (I am going slower than previous attempts as I have read that this is necessary to avoid adrenal problems). When I tried before, my asthma symptoms were minor so I am not too worried about them, but I did get more depressed.

By: Dawn In reply to Heidi.

Addison’s Disease support group (written just like that as there are a few) on facebook are my sanity. They have just under 2000 members and loads of us have Hashimoto’s as well as Addison’s. Sounds like you need Florinef but I don’t know much about primary. Check us out for a support network it really is better than feeling alone with this awful illness. Hugs and God bless.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Heidi.

Hi Heidi,

Thanks for stopping by and sharing all of this with us! Sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling so much, though. We’ve helped many people just like you get on healing paths and ultimately regain their lives. We suggest trying SCD and giving it 30 days to see how you feel and searching to find a functional medicine practitioner near you.

Hang in there Heidi and keep fighting the fight!

By: Heidi I;ve been sick since 2008 with multiple disease’s piling up. At age 37 I was rushed to the hospital with severe gut, back pain, really pain all over my bod. Was diagnosed with Hoshimottos thyroiditis and Primary Addison’s Disease. Six days later, released from the hospital, I had a script for 5 mg Pred. m stomach was bloated to where I looked six months pregnant. At this time, I was pushing 87 lbs at 5’6″. The pain all through my gut sent me back to the hospital, forgetting to mention the sincope along with all that was going on, I was diagnosed with yet more, fertile, full blown menipause, GERD, and Celiac Disease. i’ve been bed ridden for most of the time since then and have found really no relief. I have low blood sugar attacks. I was a healthy athlete having to take in 6000 calories a day to maintain, until I had severe malnutrition. Where I live I haven’t fond anyone that can hlp me live a life outside my house and out of bed. I have been told that I have leaky gut and honestly I have forgotten some of the ‘diseases’ I now have no adrenal glands left. I would like to know if anyone could help me with any specialists anywhere! I’ve been turned down by some MD’s saying ” I’m to complicated of a case for them” If you can help.
I didn’t list all my symptoms, they are many and writing this is hard for I am exhausted and my consentration has become worse and m i.q. has fallen.
Thank you Heidi

By: Kim And what about those who have mixed cortisol levels? Mine is high when it’s supposed to be low, and low when it’s supposed to be high.
