Comments on: Is a Hypothyroid Causing Your Low Energy? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:07:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to jaydee.

Hi Jaydee, thank you for reaching out to us. I know it can be hard sometimes, so hang in there. From what you have said, you would certainly benefit from the help of a good practitioner, and you can find one here: Also, please read this article for some tips on what to do if the diet isn’t working for you:

By: jaydee Guys, I do not know where to go from here. I have Hashi’s and SIBO and ncgs. I have been on the scd for 14 months. I am lately in a state of flux, constantly identifying new things or old things that are causing intest. distress, which usually manifests in some bloating and very soft stools. I was able to drink almond milk but no more, thought I could have occasional GF pkg’d cookie, but not if it has brown rice or brn rice syrup. I am down to meat, fish, eggs (so far no problem) and vegies, vegies, nuts, nuts, coonut oil. I drink a couple cups of caffeinated coffee per day, water, some grn tea. I am so tired of chicken grilled and stewed, vegies steamed or pnut butter that i feel like I am ready for a breakdown.
I have recently weaned almost completely off hydrocortisone for adrenal issues. I want to test again using a saliva test. I took the HC for a long, long time but it was a low dose. I just do not have a doc in the des moines, iowa area that can help. If someone knows of one, please advise. Two docs claim to be functional med, one a female nurse prac and the other a doc. Both want 100 bucks for a consult of one hour. I do not have it. What can You suggest? I am sure I am not the only senior in this predicament. I am very tired today and often is the case. I have started mild exercises and recovering from a shoulder injury close to 9 mos. ago. I feel like I am sending a desperate note down the river in a bottle. Ya know what I mean? “Whoever finds this, I need you”.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Liz Sutton.

Thanks Liz!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Jessie.

Hey Jessie – It’s not totally clear what you are eating on that elimination diet, but your symptoms sound those of low stomach acid. I’d look into that. You should get a biohealth adrenal stress index. Pulses and body temp are not going to tell you the full picture. Sounds like to me that you are still at risk for adrenal fatigue and could use the help of a practitioner who gets it. Regarding what carbs might work for you, I’d say anything that you can eat, breakdown and absorb without digestive upset. Hope that helps.

By: Jessie Hello Mr. Wright,
I have Hashimoto’s (hypothyroid), plus severe SIBO-C. According to my labwork my blood levels are good as long as I take my meds (both T3 and T4, my liver doesn’t convert enough so I have to take both), I also track my biometrics to make sure my adrenals are not working on overdrive and to make sure my cortisol levels are ok (to do this, I track my temps and pulses throughout the day).
I have a big question for you… Which carb sources are most likely to be ok for SIBO-C?
I’ve tried following an elimination diet to find out by myself (a combo of SCD/lowFODMAP), but when I do I start getting high pulse rates (like 95bpm), extreme acid reflux, heartburn (even though I avoid all acidic and spicy foods), excessive urinating (literally at least 1x per hour, even at night), and b.m.’s look like pure olive oil (and that’s w/ laxatives)… basically my adrenals get outta control.
I’ve determined I need a minimum of 40% carbs per day in order to prevent this.
I’m thinking is probably a common occurrence for people that have poor liver function (which I obviously do since it can’t covert t4)…. so maybe you’ve heard of this happening and can help me??

By: Liz Sutton Wow good info
