Comments on: Cortisol Issues Trigger Leaky Gut (and Cause Brain Problems) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:34:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Adam.

Hi Adam, thank you for reaching out! This certainly may be worth a try and we encourage you to keep fighting to find something that works safe and naturally for you.

By: Adam Hey guys, I have completed the two month leaky-gut program and entering my third month sticking to the SCD diet. I am definately feeling a lot better, but still having some of the issues I had while trying other diets like paleo and candida (ie: weight loss). I seem to get to about 200 lbs. and can’t get any lower. I am getting the follow up tests done (SIBO, etc) and trying to get my adrenals/ hormones in check. Lots of great info in your courses to take in btw. I notice that one thing you really stress is getting a proper nights sleep and being consistent with it. My problem is that I work shift work, so that is not an option for me. I have been looking into transcendental meditation, after hearing all of the benefits and how it can help regulate cortisol levels, would this be a good alternative for someone like me who can’t stick to a regular sleep schedule?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Krista.

Hi krista, thank you for reaching out! It sounds like you could really benefit from the help of a trusted functional practitioner and some solid medical testing. For more information, please see this link:

By: Krista Hello, This information is wonderful, and a great resource. My cortisol levels have been abnormal multiple times but (always on the low end) fast forward to year later I decided to have them Rechecked and they have skyrocketed and are now too high. After reading your website and videos, I don’t understand why this would happen as I have been under more stress. I was thinking “cushings” but I don’t have many symptoms of cushings syndrome,only fatigue, muscle aches and back pain. I do have celiac disease, dx over 5 yr ago by blood work and biopsy and I follow gf diet 100%. My iron has NEVER been an issue. My Thyroid is normal, and I have had normal chemistry I am concerned about my ACTH Being below 1mmol/L and my high am Cortisol. Any suggestions on what this could be related to?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Nan.

Hi Nan, thank you for reaching out! yes, the masterclasses come in video, audio, and transcript form.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Kim.

Hi Kim, thank you for reaching out! If you are in need of a trusted practitioner, please go here:

By: Kim I think I become more & more confused only because I
Am dealing with a completely different situation here. I only have 1 Adrenal Gland & so I’m ALWAYS in fight or flight mode. I don’t know if I’ll ever get my body to heal & get into the right & straight healthy mode. I can’t seem to eat anything without be coming sick, tired, horrible skin rash. Please help with any insight if possible. I’m so desperate for someone to understand. No Dr even knows where to start with me because of the 1 Adrenal.

By: Nan Do you offer a written version of the master class?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kate.

Hi Kate, thank you for reaching out! Yes, once you purchase you will receive a log in to the members portal and will have lifetime access to the interviews. Each of the interviews are online, so you can watch them wherever you are.

By: Kate Hi i would like to know if I don’t live in the UK or the USA will I be able to access the offer n how do I pay. Can the interviews be saved to be watched later after the day.

By: Kat Dr Sara resolidified the fried cortisol concept of how we end up with such low cortisol that you Steve have been preaching a long time. TYPE A personalities beware. I would love to hear her snippet of how to drive the cortisol up when it is dirt low from autoimmunity.
