Comments on: How to Overcome Skin Problems, Depression, and Low Energy Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:34:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachel Tatner I’ve been on some form of healing diet for 3yrs now and I can look back and see a lot of changes for the better. Some setbacks that were actually me moving forward in the healing and just needed to be addressed.

I have PTSD, which is constant stress, stress, stress. You can imagine what that does to my body. But I have, recently, been able to go no meds!! When I was first diagnosed, I was on four different prescriptions. Over the years, I was able to slowly eliminate/lower the dosage one by one.

I do still take one anti-anxiety med as needed. (Which I discovered stopped my intestinal bouts of extreme pain that felt like my intestines were tight and taut like a clenched fist and wasn’t allowing food to flow through. The anti-anxiety med calms all that down within an hour or so, depending on how long I waited to take it.)

Anyway, I’d gotten my meds down to one antidepressant. I thought I would never be able to go off it. But, through a series of events, I ended up of an antidepressant for over a week before I realized and there was no difference!

The previous few months, I’d actually become unable to move. This after so much progress on my diet and being able to take my dog for a walk 3x a day and often around several blocks. I got to where I could even take him out once a day.

After I was off the antidepressant, the first thing I noticed was I had so much more energy. So I’m thinking my body just really didn’t need it anymore and the medicine was now working against me.

It took over a month for withdrawal from the antidepressant I’d been on for ages to calm down (crying over everything) but the second one I’d been put on was evidently not doing anything except make me gain weight. That’s when I was off it for a week and didn’t notice a difference.

It’s taking my body a while to get back up to speed but then, I’ve just moved between states (very stressful) and I was off my diet for only a few days (noticed the diff right away) and I’m having to recover from that.

I’d say getting off a medicine I thought just would never be possible is a major victory! I do want to stress that I’d been on some type of healing diet (Candida/GAPS/Paleo) for about 3yrs before this was possible. You *have* to give your body time to heal before you can expect the bigger victories.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to diane.

Hi Diane, thank you for reaching out! Please email us at support@scdlifestyle and we will be more than happy to assist you gain access to your package. We look forward to helping you today.

By: Heidi 20 spirulina tablets a day gives me loads of energy. 10 a day is not enough to notice much of a difference. Dosage is crucial.
Also, a good B complex helps greatly with mood issues, including post-natal depression. Again, dosage is crucial. If it’s not working you’re probably not taking enough.

By: diane I paid the $47 for the Solving Leaky Gut interviews and wondered when it starts and will I be notified? And thank you so much for offerring this valuable information. diane

By: Elizabeth I can’t express enough how thankful I am that you so generously share this life-changing info with us . Thank you !!!!

By: Carey Alaska Jordan, your words of wisdom very helpful for me today–thank-you for the encouragement. Diagnosed with SIBO in August. Seems like a long journey but there are many areas of significant improvement–brain fog diminishing, depression lifting, and bloated football stomach lessening. I know I have a ways to go but again it’s encouragers, like you, that continue to give hope and promise of better days ahead, peace!
