Comments on: 7 Steps to Stop Your Health From Spiraling Out of Control Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 26 May 2023 09:14:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: gateio I have read your article carefully and I agree with you very much. This has provided a great help for my thesis writing, and I will seriously improve it. However, I don’t know much about a certain place. Can you help me?

By: gate io nas?l para yat?r?l?r I am a website designer. Recently, I am designing a website template about The boss’s requirements are very strange, which makes me very difficult. I have consulted many websites, and later I discovered your blog, which is the style I hope to need. thank you very much. Would you allow me to use your blog style as a reference? thank you!

By: A.H. Fro some people who may have various types of MTHFR, CBS, BHMT, and other gene mutations: these will strongly affect which herbs, nutraceuticals and digestive enzymes to take. I believe what is at issue here is the methyl groups and/or sulfur in herbs and nutraceuticals and Betaine Hcl—can’t be metabolized by people who are already overloaded with methyls and sulfur compounds because the gene mutations impede metabolization. I have several of these gene mutations, and herbs like ashwagandah (adaptogenic) make me so wired I’m up all night. The same with phosphatidyl serine. I Can’t take betaine HCL or pancreatin.

I highly recommend having gene testing. It may be the difference between never healing despite being on good healing protocols—or addressing the toxic issues caused by the faulty genes—and then—–following healing protocols.

I think that some people who don’t seem to heal with the usual protocols need to look into gene testing.

By: Christine (I am not affiliated or connected to them, in any way) - it's the one I take. ALL the B vitamins are in their coenzyme forms so that the body doesn't have to convert them. It also contains choline & TMG the same as the one you recommend. Also, I would be very careful buying supplements from Amazon, as there are some fake ones for sale which could end up making you worse. I was sold some fake ones which made me quite ill. The manufacturer told me they were not made by them when I told them the lot number. They are made to look like the genuine ones & you couldn't tell the difference to look at them.]]> Another good B complex is the wellness resources Super Coenzyme B-Complex™ (I am not affiliated or connected to them, in any way) – it’s the one I take. ALL the B vitamins are in their coenzyme forms so that the body doesn’t have to convert them. It also contains choline & TMG the same as the one you recommend.

Also, I would be very careful buying supplements from Amazon, as there are some fake ones for sale which could end up making you worse. I was sold some fake ones which made me quite ill. The manufacturer told me they were not made by them when I told them the lot number. They are made to look like the genuine ones & you couldn’t tell the difference to look at them.

By: Lori Steve, I checked the ingredients for Innate Response Adrenal and there are several illegal ingredients. Is it not enough to worry about considering the supplements benefits?

By: teri ward HI Steve, Thank you for the article .It’s my story too.I’ts nice to know someone else understands. I just started working with Jordan. I’m so glade I found you guys your both a wealth of knowledge it really helps.Keep up the good work. Thanks so much. Teri W.

By: J.A. This is very good information. However, I have tried different brands of adaptogenic herbs (ashwagandah) and B-complex in the past. Even low doses of these are too much. I am an average sized adult female but my system can only handle very small doses of things. I’m extremely sensitive to any—any—supplements. Even sleep aid herbs/ nutriceuticals have the opposite effect on me. I’ve pretty much given up on taking any supplements. Even digestive enzymes just constipate!

By: JS Great article–and so true! I’m interested in the Innate Adrenal Response, but I already take 5 mg. of compounded cortisol every morning. Can I take both? Or does Adrenal Response take the place of the cortisol?
