SCD Lifestyle TV Archives - Healthy Gut Company Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 29 Jun 2021 17:28:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SCD Lifestyle TV Archives - Healthy Gut Company 32 32 How to Stop Cravings In Their Tracks (Before You End Up Cheating) Thu, 30 Apr 2015 22:36:32 +0000 We’re all human… and part of being human in today’s world we live in means CRAVINGS. And with cravings comes falling off the wagon… And with falling off the wagon comes flare ups and setbacks… It’s a slippery slope of shame and feeling sorry for ourselves. And I know because I deal with cravings too. ...

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We’re all human… and part of being human in today’s world we live in means CRAVINGS.

And with cravings comes falling off the wagon…

And with falling off the wagon comes flare ups and setbacks…

It’s a slippery slope of shame and feeling sorry for ourselves.

And I know because I deal with cravings too.  In this video, I share the specific foods that bring me to my knees and exact steps I use to beat cravings before they spiral out of control.

I cover everything from my “state change” exercise to the root cause of cravings that Functional Medicine testing and supplementation can really help resolve.

If you’re human… and you’re struggling with cravings, this video is an open, honest conversation about what to do about them from someone who’s been fighting the same battle for the last 7 years.



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The Emergency Reset Protocol – What to Do When You’re Having a Setback Fri, 17 Apr 2015 18:55:25 +0000 I cover the protocol I used to reset my body after a wicked setback, which we’ve shared over the years to help people get back on track.

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What do you do when the symptoms come raging back?

When that panic rips through your chest and it feels like everything you’ve been working for is all for nothing?

What do you do when that happens and how do you get yourself back to feeling good?

If you’ve ever had a terrible setback, you know how intense and emotionally derailing they can be.

Sometimes, a huge setback can even cause people to give up…

In this video, I cover the 3-step “Emergency Reset Protocol” I used to reset my body after a wicked setback. This is the same protocol we’ve been sharing over the years that restores your hope when it feels like you’re back to square one.

Once you watch this video, use these additional resources to take back control of your health:

Leave a comment and let me know your setback tools that have worked for you in the past.

In good health,

– Jordan

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#Inspiration: 5 Videos to Keep You Going Another Day Thu, 26 Mar 2015 19:52:59 +0000 If you're feeling lost, down in the dumps, against the ropes, watch these 5 videos for a dose of inspiration to keep going another day.

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Remember why you startedMaybe today just isn’t your day. Maybe you’re feeling beat up, like life’s just giving you more than you can handle.

Maybe today you’re feeling like giving up…

If so, I’ve got your back. I’ve been there. And I’m not going to let you quit today.

Today, I’ve collected 5 of the most emotional, inspirational, and moving videos I’ve ever shot.

Today, I’m giving you a dose of inspiration to keep going another day.

Always remember: those people that succeed are not better than you, or smarter than you, or luckier than you. The only reason they’re successful is because they just never gave up. Today… remember that you’re not going to give up… and watch these videos.

1) The MOST Important Thing You Need to Get Healthy (It’s Not What You Think…)

There’s something inside you right now… something that makes you special…

And it might surprise you to know that it’s also the #1 thing you NEED to get healthy.

2) The Best Gut Health Advice I Could Possibly Give You

This might be the most important gut health advice I’ve given to date, and I’m betting it will completely change the way you approach your health journey.

3) Choose This and You Can Scale Any Mountain

Make the choice to believe in yourself and take the first step. And keep choosing it, moment by moment, even when you’re ready to give up… which is why I created this 4-min video for you (to show you that you can do anything).

You can scale any mountain. We believe in you!

4) If You Do This, You Can Trade in Your Body for a New Model (Seriously)

In this video, I reveal the one simple trick I used to get through the most depressing, gut-wrenching days of my sickness (it involves a pen and takes about 2 seconds).

I also share the main difference between the people who succeed and get healthy and those people that don’t…

But it’s not exactly what you think.

5) Planting The Seeds of Health (Beating Chronic Illness)

The “Seeds of Your Health Success” – the small elements, actions and conditions that you can put in place that add up to health in the long run.

These “Seeds Of Health Success,” when planted and nurtured, lead to massive success in beating chronic illness.

Never quit. You’re too important to give up.

– Jordan

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Planting The Seeds of Health (Beating Chronic Illness) Fri, 02 Jan 2015 00:04:08 +0000 2015 is the year of “Taking Action.” We’re going to be with you each step of the way this year… helping you take specific action steps to get symptom-free and beat chronic illness. Learning more information and researching is great, but action is what creates long lasting health. That’s why this year is all about...

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2015 is the year of “Taking Action.”

We’re going to be with you each step of the way this year… helping you take specific action steps to get symptom-free and beat chronic illness.

Learning more information and researching is great, but action is what creates long lasting health. That’s why this year is all about taking the actions that create health in your life.

And part of that is discovering the “Seeds of Your Health Success” – the small elements, actions and conditions that you can put in place that add up to health in the long run.

These Seeds Of Health Success, when planted and nurtured, lead to massive success in beating chronic illness. It’s a powerful principle we learned from one of our mentors over the years and I think it’s one of the most powerful messages to kick off 2015.


Let’s kick this year off right together. We’re in this together. We’ve got your back.

Start today by watching this video all about your “Seeds of Health Success” and leave a comment, letting us know the specific seed you’re going to plant in your life right now.

I’m so grateful to support you. Thank you for being a part of this community.

– Jordan

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The MOST Important Thing You Need to Get Healthy (It’s Not What You Think…) Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:05:46 +0000 If there was ONE thing I could tell myself back when I was sick, this would be it. I hope it helps you in the same way I wish it could have helped me.

The post The MOST Important Thing You Need to Get Healthy (It’s Not What You Think…) appeared first on Healthy Gut Company.

There’s something inside you right now… something that makes you special…

And it might surprise you to know that it’s also the #1 thing you NEED to get healthy.

(It’s almost like a superpower you didn’t know you had.)

Over the years, I’ve seen this superpower inside each person that eventually got healthy, and it seems to be the most important thing that separates those people who overcome chronic illness and those people that don’t.

In this video, I explain this “superpower” in detail, how to use it the RIGHT WAY, and why I think it’s the most important thing you can do right now to get healthy.

Look, if you’re struggling right now…

If your life is hard right now…

You won’t want to miss this video. 

It could literally change your life this year. It could literally be the thing that helps you get through this pain in your life and finally start getting healthy.

If there was ONE thing I could go back in time and tell myself back when I was sick, it’s laid out, in detail, in this video. And I hope that it helps you in the same way I wish it could have helped me back then.

It’s CRITICAL for anyone struggling with chronic illness…

I’m so grateful to support you. Thank you for being a part of this community.

– Jordan

P.S. – Please leave a comment and let me know how this message impacted you. I look forward to hearing from you in the comments.

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If You Do This, You Can Trade In Your Body for a New Model (Seriously) Thu, 23 Oct 2014 21:24:21 +0000 I literally just shot this impromptu video for you on the floor in my home office (no extra charge for the cheesy books stacked behind me ha-ha). Anyway, in this video I reveal the one simple trick I used to get through the most depressing, gut-wrenching days of my sickness (it involves a pen and...

The post If You Do This, You Can Trade In Your Body for a New Model (Seriously) appeared first on Healthy Gut Company.


I literally just shot this impromptu video for you on the floor in my home office (no extra charge for the cheesy books stacked behind me ha-ha).

Anyway, in this video I reveal the one simple trick I used to get through the most depressing, gut-wrenching days of my sickness (it involves a pen and takes about 2-seconds).

I also share the main difference between the people who succeed and get healthy and those people that don’t…

But it’s not exactly what you think.

If you do what I share in this video, you can literally trade in your body for a new model (one that works WAY BETTER than the one you have now).

NOTE: this isn’t the usual video where we talk about food and supplements. It’s much more than that… and by “more” I mean I share some pretty important info that might just be exactly what you needed to hear today to make it through.


– Jordan

P.S. – Please leave a comment and let me know how this video impacted you and what you’re going to do next once you’ve watched it.

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The Best Gut Health Advice I Could Possibly Give You Tue, 21 Oct 2014 00:37:22 +0000   I just shot a video that’s probably one of the most intense messages you’ve ever heard from me. It’s CRITICAL for anyone struggling with chronic illness… This might be the most important gut health advice I’ve given to date, and I’m betting it will completely change the way you approach your health journey. Over...

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I just shot a video that’s probably one of the most intense messages you’ve ever heard from me.

It’s CRITICAL for anyone struggling with chronic illness…

This might be the most important gut health advice I’ve given to date, and I’m betting it will completely change the way you approach your health journey.

Over the years, we’ve shared many diet and supplement tweaks that can help heal your gut, but none of that matters without the one thing I cover in this video… I know that might sound crazy, but it will make sense when you watch the video.

If you like this video and it supports you, please know I’ve done my best to channel Eric Thomas – someone who’s supported me with messages like this for years. You can catch all of his amazing videos here:

I’m so grateful to support you. Thank you for being a part of this community.

– Jordan

P.S. – Please leave a comment and let me know how this message impacted you. I look forward to hearing from you.

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The Key to Great Digestion (Why Stomach Acid Is Your Friend) Thu, 20 Feb 2014 02:00:19 +0000 Contrary to popular belief, stomach acid is actually good for you. I'd even argue that proper levels are the key to great digestion.

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Are you even digesting your food?

If you have a lot of gas, bloating, reflux, diarrhea, and constipation… or undigested food in your stool, you need to watch this video.

It’s all about how stomach acid works… and why it really is good for you. In fact, I would argue that proper stomach acid levels are the key to great digestion.

Most of Us Don’t Have Enough Stomach Acid

One of the most frustrating things we see is when people switch to a real food diet like SCD, Paleo, WAPF, or GAPS and they feel worse! Or they spend all this time and money to eat healthy anti-inflammatory food and they aren’t even digesting it well.

In this video, I share the 4 triggers for good stomach acid secretion. I also cover 2 really important supplements to help you digest your food properly.

Having proper stomach acid levels is vital for digestion, and if this isn’t right, the rest of the digestive process can get totally screwed up.

Fixing this was one of the biggest health breakthroughs on my journey to becoming symptom-free and I hope this video supports something similar for you.

In good health,


P.S. – During the video, I refer to this article for more reading.

P.P.S. – Best.  Outtake.  Ever.

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This Hormone Stops Inflammation (Unless it’s Low) Thu, 13 Feb 2014 09:37:12 +0000 Are you dealing with chronic inflammation? We've discovered an alarming trend from working with our 1-on-1 clients; about 90% are low in this key hormone.

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There’s an inflammation epidemic going on… and there’s one root cause that can really help.

We’ve seen it in about 90% of our 1-on-1 private clients.

There’s a hormone that, when it’s at normal levels, can completely put the inflammation fire out.

And in today’s video, I’m going to explain everything you need to know about this hormone and the critical role it plays in your immune system.

If you’re someone with chronic inflammation, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or Autoimmune Disease… this video could explain a lot about why your immune system isn’t working right.

I even share 6 test results and show you what’s been going on in detail.

Not only that, but I get really specific about what tests to order if you think this hormone is a problem for you.

(PLUS – don’t miss my extremely important warning about this hormone at minute 6:33.)

In good health,

– Jordan

P.S. – For more on this hormone, read this blog post.

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When Is It Ok to Cheat on SCD or Paleo? Thu, 06 Feb 2014 09:37:21 +0000 If you've you been symptom-free for 3 months or longer and you're wondering about cheating on SCD or Paleo, then this video is definitely for you.

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When is it ok to cheat?

What about the 80/20 rule?

We get a lot of questions about this, especially when it comes to grey zone foods like dark chocolate and alcohol.

Here’s the conclusion I’ve come to over the years: it completely depends on your symptoms and what you’re dealing with.

If you’re still having symptoms, it’s probably not a good idea.

So, if you’re someone who struggles with cramping and diarrhea and you’re still having cramping and diarrhea, please don’t email me asking if it’s okay to cheat. You’ve still got some troubleshooting to work on first.

Or if you have Celiac disease like I do, please don’t ask me if it’s OK if you have gluten every once in a while… your immune system will get very angry for up to 6 months afterward.

But if you’re someone who’s been symptom-free for 3 months and you’re wondering about dark chocolate or a glass of wine a few times a week… this video is for you.

I’m going to share one specific question you can use to help you decide whether it’s ok for you to test those grey zone foods you’ve wondering about.

I’m also going to share my personal experiments with alcohol after years of avoiding it while I healed my gut.

After you watch the video, leave a comment and let me know what your experience has been testing grey zone foods after your symptoms were under control.

In good health,

– Jordan

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3 Tips for Troubleshooting Your Diet (When It’s Not Working Anymore) Thu, 02 Jan 2014 16:14:56 +0000 Watch this video if you feel like the diet isn't working for you anymore and frustrated because you're still not feeling better.

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One of the most common questions we get from people every day is about being “stuck” on their diet.

They’ve changed their diet to improve their stomach problems, and maybe they feel a little better, but they still don’t feel as good as they should.

Their emails typically go something like this:

“Hey Jordan and Steve, 40 days ago I started the Specific Carbohydrate Diet using your book and at first I felt amazing! I finally had my first formed stool in years, but since the first week or so I’m still getting horrible stomach pain and bloating after meals and I still have loose stools 3-4 times a day. The diet doesn’t seem to be working anymore. I’m only eating beef, pureed carrots, chicken soup, applesauce, and winter squash. I’m going insane eating like this! Can you help?”

Can you relate to this email?

Do you feel like the diet isn’t working for you anymore?

Are you frustrated because you’re only eating a few foods and still not feeling better?

Do you feel “stuck” and ready to give up?

If so, there are 3 primary troubleshooting tips in this video that could help you get “unstuck” and feeling like the diet is working again.

So, watch this video and decide which of the three troubleshooting tips you should try this week. If the first one doesn’t work, that’s OK. Keep testing and tweaking. Troubleshooting works, but it can take a few tries before you get some relief.

In good health,

– Jordan

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When Should I Introduce Dairy? Sun, 15 Dec 2013 16:37:25 +0000 So when should you introduce dairy? Is it OK to drink raw milk? What if you don't tolerate cow's milk? This video answers these questions and more.

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We get a ton of questions about Dairy products every day. Most people aren’t sure what to do because it’s a grey area in many low-carb diets.

For example, dairy is allowed on the SCD Diet as long as the lactose sugar is removed. So things like 24-hour fermented yogurt and aged cheese are ok to eat and supposed to help you feel better.

But some low-carb diets don’t allow dairy at all… and others allow raw milk.

So you may be asking yourself whether or not you should be eating it at all.

Not only that, but dairy can be a strong trigger for digestive problems in certain people.

So when should you introduce dairy?

Is it OK to drink raw milk?

What if you don’t tolerate cow’s milk yogurt?

I answer these questions and more in this video. Hint: It all starts with your symptoms… not what diet you’re following.

I hope it clears up any questions you have about dairy.

(One more thing… if you stay till the end I share my current point of view on Colostrum).

In good health,

– Jordan

P.S. – If you haven’t found your “Food Safe Zone” yet, we give you a step-by-step plan to create your custom diet in our book:

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Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Signs, Symptoms, and Testing Mon, 09 Dec 2013 07:39:58 +0000 Find out whether or not you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and what to do about it.

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If you’re still struggling with gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea… you could have bacteria growing in all the wrong places.

Today’s video is all about Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).

It could be the one thing that’s keeping your diet restricted and causing a lot of stomach pain. The most important things you need to know about SIBO are covered in the video:

… signs and symptoms you’re a candidate for SIBO testing.

… clearing up the confusion about what testing can tell us.

… what to do if you test positive for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

I hope you enjoy the video,

– Jordan

P.S. – If you want to know more about SIBO, we recorded a 1-hour interview with our friend (and SIBO expert) Dr. Siebecker here:

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What Made You Sick? Mon, 26 Aug 2013 05:13:35 +0000 In this video, I'll help you to understand what made you sick.. and once you know, how to do things differently.

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Was your chronic illness triggered by something?

Or have you been dealing with it since you were born?

How can you tell the difference?

And finally, what do you need to do differently for each?

In this video, I go in-depth on the two types of clients I typically work with.

There’s the “From Birth” clients…. but there’s also the “Trigger” clients.

Each one got sick very very differently… which one are you?

It’s important for you to understand which one you might be as you start to unravel the root cause of your chronic illness.

In good health,

– Jordan

P.S. – After you watch the video, leave a comment below and let me know which one you think you are.

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Use Your Pain as Your Power Mon, 12 Aug 2013 03:45:59 +0000 You're going through pain. But those who are willing to use their pain as their power will find out what it's like to reclaim their health.

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You’re not alone.

I’ve been down the same road.

You’re going through pain.

I’ve felt your pain.

I’ve felt as sick as you have…

But those who are willing to use their pain as their power will find out what it’s like to reclaim their health.

You can go so much further than you think.

I challenge you to give it everything you’ve got, to use your pain as your power, and to never give up.

… you think I thought I would ever get healthy?

… you think I thought I would help other people do I what I did?

… you think I thought I’d be climbing mountains someday?

… you think I thought I would go this far? Be this healthy? As somebody that was having diarrhea 10X a day and writing my will?

No… but I said,

“I want to see how healthy I can get.  I want to see what my life can look like when I’m not sick. I want to see what I can do. I want to see what would happen if I choose health every single day… I gotta use my pain as my power.”

And here I am… filming this video on the top of a mountain after climbing 2,000 feet and enjoying the sunset almost 10,000 feet above the earth. There’s not another human in sight and not a single sound other than the wind whispering in my ear.

See, it’s about using your pain… to help you choose health and to keep you going when you want to give up. In those moments, go deep, deep down beyond what you thought was possible.

When all you want to do is give up, you have to take one more step. The next step is to choose health one more time. Then again… and then again.

Use your pain. Your pain will give you the power to take control of your health and to reach levels of health you know you deserve.

I’m finally where I wanted to be, but I had to go through pain to get there. Don’t give up…

In this video, join me on a mountain top to reclaim your health, to use your pain as your power, and to never give up…

Because you’re amazing. I care deeply about you and I know you can do this!

In good heath,

– Jordan

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Who Needs Digestive Enzymes? (and How to Take Them) Thu, 25 Jul 2013 18:15:51 +0000 In this video, I cover who should take digestive enzymes, what brands we recommend, and how to start supplementing with them.

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Who needs digestive enzymes?

What brands are worth the money?

And how do you introduce them properly?

This Video on Digestive Enzymes Is Right for You If…

You’re someone dealing with:

  • Low grade inflammation
  • Intestinal damage
  • An “oily toilet” (you’ll know what that means)
  • Gas and bloating
  • Diarrhea/Constipation
  • And undigested food in your stools

In this video, I share 3 digestive enzyme brands we personally recommend and also how to properly introduce them to avoid ‘The Stomach Ache of Death.’

In good health,

– Jordan

P.S. – Disclaimer time… always consult your primary care physician before taking any supplements or medications. Remember, we’re not Doctors and don’t pretend to be… so this video is not (and should not be) considered medical advice 🙂

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Is it OK to Work Out When You’re Sick? Mon, 17 Jun 2013 05:38:54 +0000 In this video, find out what NOT to do, and what to do, when it comes to working out when you're sick. Most people screw this up big time...

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Should you be working out right now?

What if you’re doing all the wrong things to get better, and going to the gym is making you worse?

This Video Was Inspired by Two Things:

1) I was about to go to the gym…

2) I just had another very very sick 1-on-1 private client who was training for a marathon…. for charity no less.

Also, in this video I share what to do, and not to do, when it comes to working out when your’e sick.

One of these things will make you even sicker… possibly triggering a flare.

Another will help you get better, slowly, and help you avoid the ‘inflammation trap’ I see so many people falling into.

In good health,


P.S. – Let me know your experience in the gym in the comments section below.

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Watch This If You’re Ready to Give Up… Sun, 26 May 2013 17:50:47 +0000 Only watch if you're ready to throw in the towel, or if you've ever felt like you can't take it anymore. These three tools will lift you up.

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“I’m ready to give up”

“I’m so tired, I can’t stand to make another dinner”

“My sugar cravings are too much”

“My Doctor says diet doesn’t matter”

“I’m never going to get better”

“Why can’t I just eat like everyone else”

“My family thinks I’m weird”

Ever had thoughts like that?

I’ve had thoughts like this creep in over the years.

If you’ve had thoughts like that… or if you’re ready to give up, then this video is for you. Only watch this if you’re ready to throw in the towel, or if you’ve ever felt like you can’t take it anymore.

These three tools will lift you up.

I’ve been there… and it’s from those dark moments, I created this for you.

Let me know how it supported you in the comments below. I’m grateful to take a side-trip into the mental side of things.

– Jordan

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3 Steps to Take Control of Your Diarrhea Flare Mon, 22 Apr 2013 02:33:51 +0000 In this video, I share 3 specific steps you can do right now to take control of your flare and stop the diarrhea in a matter of days.

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“Stop, drop, and roll!!!”

That’s what you’re supposed to do, if you ever catch on fire.

But what about flares?

What are we supposed to do when we’re on fire with inflammation and the diarrhea won’t stop?

In this video, I share 3 things you can do right now to take control of a flare and get the diarrhea to stop.

In good health,

– Jordan

P.S. – What works for you during a flare? Let me know in the comments section below.

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Is Your iPad Making You Sicker? (And Why These Glasses Will Help) Thu, 11 Apr 2013 00:46:24 +0000 95% of Americans admit to using their electronic devices (like iPads) within an hour of going to bed. So is your iPad making you sicker?

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Naughty naughty…

95% of Americans admit to using their electronic devices (iPad, laptop, iPhone, Kindle, etc.) within an hour of going to bed.

So, is your iPad making you sicker?

In this video, I go in-depth on Blue Light and explain why my ridiculously good looking glasses not only make me look irresistible, but they continue to improve my health.

– Jordan

P.S. – Do you use blue light blockers? Leave a comment with your experience.

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Is Your Poop Healthy? What Does a Healthy Poop Look Like? Wed, 27 Mar 2013 22:28:52 +0000 3 signs your poop is healthy... and the elusive ghost poop is revealed. Where do you stack up?

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Are your poops healthy?

What about the elusive “Ghost Poop?” Has that ever happened to you?

In this video, I go in-depth on 3 signs your poop is actually healthy so you know what’s really going on with your stool.

– Jordan

P.S. – Leave a comment… how do your bowel movements stack up?

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3 Anti-Candida Diet Problems Thu, 21 Feb 2013 07:25:40 +0000 Candida can be a tough infection to fight. Many think the Anti-Candida diet will save them. Unfortunately this just doesn't seem to be the case.

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Candida is the yeast infection that never seems to die. “Try the Anti-Candida Diet,” a well meaning blogger or citizen says. And then it begins…

Unfortunately, if this was all it took to beat this problem I wouldn’t have to make this video. And I doubt I’d see so many reoccurring infections or see test result after test result showing a Candida infection even though the person is strictly following the diet.

The Anti-Candida Diet is built on logical sense. But in practice many people end up eating less than 50 grams of carbohydrate a day. And I’d say most people I’ve interacted with are actually on a ZERO carbohydrate diet.

They think even 25 grams of carbohydrate will ruin all the hard work they’ve done. And when they’re putting this much time and effort into a diet, I understand their passion and worry. The worst part is that a very low carbohydrate diet like this can actually hurt them worse if they don’t have the proper educated support helping them. And most don’t.

Okay, I agree… don’t eat processed foods, avoid sugars, eat whole foods (try SCD). But this idea that all carbohydrate needs to be cut out is unnecessary.

Many claim the diet provides relief, but not killing power from what I’ve seen… and that’s just the tip of the problems.

3 Anti-Candida Diet Myths

  1. Candida doesn’t usually live alone.
  2. When your hormones are shot, Candida comes back.
  3. Candida needs to be killed, not starved.

Watch the video as I cover these myths and what the next steps should be for you if you think that you’ve got a Candida infection, or even worse… if you do have it and it won’t go away make sure you address all 3.


P.S. – If you’re looking for someone to help you beat it, you’ve come to the right place. Head over to our recommended practitioners page to get individualized help.

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Avoid These 3 Common “Flare Triggers” Sun, 03 Feb 2013 21:47:26 +0000 Flares seem to come out of nowhere... or do they? In this video, I cover 3 of the most common flare triggers.

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Flares seem to come out of nowhere… or do they?

If you hate being confined to your bed when a flare takes control, then avoid these three common “flare triggers” in your life.

I also have a little too much fun playing with fire 🙂



P.S. – What are some of the “flare triggers” in your life?Leave your comments below.

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Natural Flu Treatment Helped Me Return to Work in 2 Days Thu, 24 Jan 2013 14:30:01 +0000 I hate being sick, so when I recently got the flu... I pulled out the big guns and naturally defeated it in days instead of weeks.

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I have a confession… I HATE BEING SICK!

The fatigue, the chills, nausea and the nose that never stops running… not fun.

Then, of course you end up missing out on things like work, games and dates. If that’s not bad enough, chances are high you’ll pass it off to someone you care about and have to watch them suffer. Basically, it’s a pain in the butt.

What’s the Best Way to Not Get Sick?

The best ways to never get sick are to eat a nutrient-dense diet that consists of low-inflammatory foods (SCD or Paleo), fermented foods (for probiotics), and bone broths and organ meats. Make sure to sleep 7-9 hrs a night and keep stress levels low. Beyond this, take care of any underlying root causes that are dragging down your immune system.

And If You Do Get Sick…

Then it’s time to bring out the big guns. The first thing is to double your fermented foods and bone broth consumption. I was fresh out of broth the whole time I was sick, but I ate large amounts of sauerkraut with each meal.

Then, I started the following…



  • 25,000 IU of Vitamin A
  • 10,000 IU of Vitamin D3
  • 2,000 mg of Vitamin C, 2x per day
  • 30 mg of Zinc Gluconate, 2x per day
  • 1,500 mg of NAC, 2x per day
  • 3 pills (1 serving) of B-complex
  • 40 drops of Gaia Herbs Echinacea Tincture, 3x per day
  • 1 tsp of Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup, 3x per day

I’m wishing you a healthy and safe flu season! And remember it’s always a good idea to speak with your doctor before doing anything, but the above is for reference of what I did.

What do you do when you get the flu?  Tell me below!


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Why Gluten-Free Diets Don’t Work (and Make Me ANGRY) Thu, 10 Jan 2013 06:02:49 +0000 Are you gluten-free and still sick? I was for years, and in this video I explain why gluten-free diets don't work and 3 things you should do instead.

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If you’re someone who’s not getting better on a gluten-free diet, or you’ve tried going gluten-free in the past… this video will explain everything, including why gluten-free diets make me so ANGRY!

Not only that, but I share the top three tips for someone that’s newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease or Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. (HINT: None of them are the Gluten-Free Diet.)

I’m a pretty laid back guy, but I get a little fired up in this one. Plus, the outtakes give you a sense of my dry humor ha-ha.

I hope you enjoy it,

– Jordan

P.S. – What’s your experience with the Gluten-Free Diet? Let me know in the comments below.

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Sniff a Tree and Kill Cancer? Thu, 27 Dec 2012 09:37:24 +0000 Wish you could boost your ability to kill cancer and reduce stress? It's easier than you think with this new research out of Japan.

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My family has struggled with cancer in the past and it also claimed Jordan’s mother’s life. So, it’s always on our radar to read and learn about.

In this video, we “travel” to the other side of the globe and land in Japan to learn about cancer. The Asian culture is very interested with the body – nature connection, and I happened to stumble upon some recent research that takes this interest to a whole NEW level!

It starts with the following three studies that detail what happens to your body when you go running off into the woods.

  1. Forest bathing enhances human natural killer activity and expression of anti-cancer proteins
  2. A forest bathing trip increases human natural killer activity and expression of anti-cancer proteins in female subjects
  3. A day trip to a forest park increases human natural killer activity and the expression of anti-cancer proteins in male subjects

These researchers didn’t just stop there did they?


In this study, they took their volunteers into hotel rooms to see what happens.

And in case you’re wondering, this is the brand of cypress essential oil I like.

– Steve

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3 Reasons Why Vitamin D Deficiency Could Be Making You Sicker Mon, 10 Dec 2012 12:29:18 +0000 In today’s video, I discuss 3 reasons why low vitamin D status could be a huge problem for people with autoimmune conditions and digestive diseases.

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Today, I’m talking about vitamin deficiency… but not just any vitamin. I’m talking about the vitamin most commonly found deficient in both autoimmune conditions and IBD.

Not only that, but studies show those deficient in this vitamin have inflammation and leaky gut. So, today I’m going to show you why low vitamin D levels could be making you sicker.

Our video editor got a little crazy with the outtakes at the end ha-ha, but I hope you enjoy it.

Much gratitude,

– Jordan

P.S. – Share this message with your friends and family that may need to learn about vitamin D, especially when we head into the winter months in the US.

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Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance Showdown Mon, 26 Nov 2012 09:37:23 +0000 In this video, I talk about the differences between food allergies and intolerances and if it's wise to invest your hard earned money into testing.

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Have you ever thought “If only a test could tell me the specific foods that are making me sick?”

And what is a food allergy? Or is it food intolerance? These questions bounced around in my head for a long time, until Jordan and I finally got serious about figuring it all out. We even bought tests and read the research behind them.

Afterwards, still a bit confused, we reached out to some of the top functional and integrative practitioners in the world to see what tests they use… or if they even use them at all.

So, in today’s video I talk about the differences between food allergies, food intolerances and whether or not it’s a good idea to invest your hard-earned money into testing for them.

(HINT: There’s ONE specific type of person who 100%, without a doubt, should do this testing.)

Have you done testing? Did it help? Let us know in the comments below the video.


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How Probiotics Boost Your Immune System Mon, 12 Nov 2012 09:37:49 +0000 If you want to boost your immune system to rockstar status, then you'll definitely want to see this video.

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Humans have ten times more bacteria than human cells in their body. So, we’re more bacteria than we are human.

If that’s true, maybe we should become better friends with our bacteria… and in this video I’m going to show you why probiotics can boost your immune system to rockstar status…

I really hope you enjoy it,

– Jordan

P.S.  Enjoy the singing and dancing in this one, things are starting to get a little crazy!

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Who Is Advising You on Health? Mon, 29 Oct 2012 08:37:44 +0000 Queue the confetti and balloons, you've been promoted! That’s right your new title is CEO of you. Please don’t make this change bigger than it has to be.

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Queue the confetti and balloons, you’ve been promoted! That’s right your new title is CEO of you.

I posted something on Facebook a month ago about what it was like to step up and start taking charge of my health. The post got a lot of comments about what it’s like to have complete responsibility for your health. Also, there were lots of comments about how to start.

Please don’t make this change bigger than it has to be. How does any President or Fortune 500 CEO do it? They do it hour-by-hour, day-by-day, simply putting one foot in front of the other is all it takes. You don’t need to know anything other than where the next foot goes (forward in case you were wondering).

Now, of course things will be weird and different the day you DECIDE to be CEO. And so I wanted to give you a quick action step that took me a while to get right. If I would have taken inventory and looked at my position sooner, I could have saved myself a lot of emotional energy, Google energy and money. I wouldn’t have invested into ideas, supplements or foods to appease people.

You can do this! It’s built into your nature. You’re in charge, you’re powerful and you can trust yourself.

You’ve got some new responsibilities and some decisions to make. Grab a pen and paper, because today you’ll need them. Be sure to do the exercise and tell me what happened.


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Cooling Inflammation with this Ancient Food Source Mon, 15 Oct 2012 08:05:05 +0000 Connect with us in a whole new way. This video is on cooling inflammation using an ancient food source.

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In 2004, Time Magazine called Inflammation “The Secret Killer” and rightfully so. It’s responsible for just about every disease that can kill you, like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimers…

So, the question is: Are you doing enough to cool things down?

In this video, I’m going to talk with you about an ancient food source that’ll help you cool down the inflammation burning inside you.

Listen, we’ve all heard people say, “Take More Fish Oil!”

But what if I told you that, to be serious about cooling down inflammation, you needed to use this secret weapon against inflammation immediately? Come join me (and the Hawaii Coquí frogs) for one diet tweak you can make right away to start cooling inflammation in your body.

(Oh, and if you stay till the end you’ll catch some ridiculous outtakes from filming.)

– Jordan

P.S. – Big thanks to our friend Chris Kresser for doing the math I used in this video (see the article on his site for the nitty-gritty details).

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