Comments on: Digestive Disease Upon Second Glance Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:31:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: jual vege cream asli Great article. I’m experiencing a few of these issues as well..

By: Allison Good post – I have been pondering lately that we tend to look at other species as homogenous in their health needs, but when it comes to humans, I think we take individualisation too far. We really are one species. But, as opposed to other species, we have higher thinking and emotional capacity, and those aspects are very different in everyone and are a factor in our health. So, I do agree with this statement which I think summed up your article nicely: “But what if the Solution is 50%… or dare I suggest 80% the same for all of us?”

By: Allison In reply to Robyn.

Hi Robyn,

I don’t believe that they are saying there is a “one size fits all”….

What they wrote is “But what if the Solution is 50%… or dare I suggest 80% the same for all of us?”

The commonalities are important and the remainder is individual.

By: Robyn Honestly, I think it is like diagnosing Autism these days. My son was diagnosed with severe autism and it turned out that he didn’t have it at all. He had Apraxia. The symptoms seemed the same but not really, kids who have Autism can have Apraxia and frequently do while kids who have Apraxia, do not necessarily have autism. When I forced them to focus on the Apraxia, he got better. Now he does everything they told me he would NEVER do. He was not disconnected, he was disengaged because he could not communicate. This unfortunately is not a one size fits all world. We are all individuals, like it or not. Not only do we suffer from the physical ailment but we suffer from our attitude, from the attitude of those around us, environment and diet (ethnic etc……) and finances…. I personally want to go see a Doctor and discuss what treatment is better for me and have the option of changing course if the current treatment isn’t working, not just be herded through a medical system and told that it is my fault if a treatment isn’t working and as well intended as your idea is, this is not a one size fits all world.

By: Tamara I have been thinking along these same lines for a year now. I have taken notes, listened to podcasts, read the research, listened to my friend with their tummy troubles. I feel I am on the verge of being able to type up some basic, standardized advice for all of them to begin to heal. I have no actual degrees in nutrition (mine are in Journalism) but I have my story of getting better…..I think telling people DETAILED information in baby steps for them will be the best. Thanks for all the work you guys do!

By: Gutsy Girl Steve,
I so hear ya in the comment above. I’ve been GF for a few years, had MAJOR gut problems all my life (27 now; IBS, Celiac, SIBO, PFD, Visceral Hypersensitivity, Yadda-Yadda), and I can honestly say my diet has become one of the healthiest diets of anyone I know (which is a total miracle given I was eating a SAD before going GF in 2009, and also a testimony to how sick I’ve been!). I’m dealing with intense gut pain now and a massive case of killer SIBO and motility issues (in the C category – methane producing bacteria slows you down, hydrogen producing bacteria speeds you up). So I’m starting SCD as soon as I can wrap my brain around it. Read BTVC last week. It has just amazed me how most people, if they ate my diet, would be incredibly healthy (I think)…but yet I’m malnourished big time, nauseous to the max, and not wanting to look at another bite of puree food for the rest of my life.

I think there’s hope around the corner, however, so I’m almost kinda maybe possibly excited. 😉

Gutsy Girl

By: Steven Wright In reply to Doug Fuller.

Hey Doug thanks for your thoughts, we often debate the “chicken or the egg” of each of these. Do you have anything else to add to the list?

The interesting thing about #3 is that you could eat the best diet in the world, but if other factors are off (pathogens, toxins, high inflammation, gut injuries) you can still end up malnourished.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Libby Doubler.

Hi Libby! Thanks for the support, we are happy to have helped and even more excited that your about to start helping others! Stay in touch.

By: Doug Fuller 1. Inflammation is the result of other factors.
2. Significant factor, probably due to poor diet, antibiotics and other environmental factors.
3. Yes, if you don’t eat a good diet.
4. Could lead to 3 and is due to 2.
5. Result of 2 and 3
6. Result of 2 and 3.

By: Libby Doubler First off, I am currently a student at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition studying holistic health. I wouldn’t be there now unless you guys had come my way. I was sick and didn’t know why. Blood tests always came back fine. I went on the SCD diet and am now blessed with good poops (:-D) and a clear mind. So onward to learning more about diet and health and helping spread the word. Now it’s only fresh and organic. Oh, and I can start taking clients in November. You guys *rock*!!
