Comments on: Mark Sisson’s Easy SCD-Friendly Zucchini Egg Bake Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 23 Aug 2016 18:44:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Amin.

Hey Amin – if you’re early in SCD and still de-seeding and peeling all your veggies, go ahead and remove the seeds first. If you’ve already progressed to zucchini with the seeds, you don’t need to worry about removing them.

By: Amin In reply to Jan Gunderson.

Plan someone answer this

By: Jan Gunderson When you grate a zucchini do you scrape the seeds out first or just grate the whole thing?

By: Mark's Zucchini Egg bake | Mark's Daily Apple Health and Fitness Forum page […] The sweetener makes you think you are eating coffee cake. The basic recipe can be found here: Mark Sisson If rabbits' feet are so lucky, then what happened to the rabbit? Reply With Quote   […]

By: Amy The recipe calls for andouille sausage but I use chorizo that I buy from my local farmers market. The only change you’d need to make the recipe SCD legal would be using fresh diced tomatoes instead of canned. Assuming you get or make an SCD-legal sausage, you’d be good to go!

I’ve fed the Jambalaya to people who eat the Standard American Diet and they can’t even tell it doesn’t have rice in it. The cauliflower “rice” is fantastic! Enjoy!

By: Steven Wright @ Amy – Thanks for stopping by I completely agree the book is awesome and thanks for posting the link, I completely forgot but most of the recipes listed on Mark’s site for free are also SCD legal. I haven’t tried the Jambalaya yet but I’m itching to give it a go. Do you modify the recipe at all when you make it?

By: Amy The Primal Blueprint Cookbook is fantastic and definitely worth the $. I haven’t tried the Zucchini Egg Bake since I’m allergic to eggs and casein. My favorite recipe from the book is the Jambalaya. Mark’s also got free recipes on his site:
