Comments on: Amy’s SCD Legal Lemon Bar Recipe Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 12 Dec 2017 23:19:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Melissa Just made these using the coconut flour way and using coconut oil in the crust. I ended up doubling the crust as I had a really hard time spreading the one batch in the 8×8 pan. Doubling it worked well. I didn’t increase the cooking time at all. I didn’t double the lemon mixture. I let it cool 30 mins and then put it in the freezer for 30 mins. Came out great. Even my boyfriend who eats normal likes them.

By: Melissa In reply to Melissa.


The first time I tried lemon bars this happened to me too. This time I used a hand mixer on the lemon mixture and that seemed to fix it. The egg white has to be fully mixed in.

By: Melissa Lately when we have been making these, we are getting hard cooked pieces of egg white in them. Any thoughts as to why? Otherwise this recipe is amazing and we make it every week!

By: Allison We tried these this weekend, they are awful! Please if someone has made these and they look just like the pictures can you tell me which base you used. Mine was an epic fail…..

By: Lucy Ok, so not bad for a 1st try. I would definitely make again but I think I will make the crust a little thicker and add more zest to the filling. I like a real lemony kick to my lemon bars! Thanks for my coconut flour kick-off !!!

By: Lucy I bought coconut flour about a month ago and have been looking for just the right recipe. While visiting a friend for Easter, we made a batch of lemon bars from a food network fav of mine. She said they were delicious but i just could not eat knowing they had 3 cups of sugar. The only alteration i made to this version was adding lemon zest & a tblspn of coconut flour into the filling. Waiting for them to cool in fridge. Let you know……

By: Lemon Bars | scddiet4kids […] […]

By: Allison Nevermind. Upon further reading I got my answer. They contain illegal ingredients.

By: Allison Have you ever used coconut yogurt (So Delicious) or coconut sugar (Coconut Secret~Coconut Crystals)? Are they SCD compliant?

By: Harvey Morrison I have made these twice now and love them! I have made some changes to the recipe. As Jean mentioned I also had the lemon topping sink into the crust the first time I made these. I found that I have to add a lot more butter to the crust to hold it together better and bake it longer until the entire crust is golden brown. That prevents the crust sinking. I also used hazelnut flour instead of almond flour (almond flour and my gut are not friends) and it adds a rich nutty flavor to the bars. Last thing I did was triple the recipe so I could make a full casserole dish. Hope these tips help!

By: Sarah Jager I made these for Christmas pudding and they were delicious, had the whole family eating them even though they are not eating SCD. Thanks for the great recipe 🙂

By: Susan This was my first try at any SCD legal “baked goods”. I just gave up and have been eating fruits, veggies, and pastured meats. No complaints, glad to figure this out and be able to feel well! Since I cannot use and nut flours or dairy (even raw milk), I used coconut flour and coconut oil according to directions. Used pastured eggs, even though I typically can’t do eggs either. Fruit was cherries. The recipe worked perfectly and I HAD DESSERT! Yum! Even hubby with the iron clad gut liked this, and said the bottom crust was the best ever. The coup de gras? Normal poop the next morning. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I’ll be altering the fruit in the recipe in the future for variety.

By: Jean I made the lemon bars with coconut flour today. I poured the topping over the crust and it tunneled under and in the end it was marbled. After I baked and cooled it I tried to cut it but it was mushy and way too buttery. The next time I would use just 2 TBL. butter and cool the crust before spooning the topping on the crust. I ended up dumping it in my processor, adding more coconut flour and almonds, then rebaking it. It’s tasty but not as cohesive as desired so I should have added at least 1 more egg. I would also add lemon zest to the crust to amplify the citrus flavor. My coconut flour could be different from what was tested, explaining my results. I will try it with almond flour the next time as it is a favorite recipe from the past.

By: Tara After the holidays, I will experiment with using grass fed beef gelatin in place of the eggs. It works in pumpkin pie and let’s face it, these are both custards so I think it would work. I’ll report back later.
