Comments on: Butternut Squash Mac n’ Cheese Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 14 Oct 2015 21:44:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Chris.

Hey Chris- thanks for reaching out!

We aren’t doctors and can”t make promises, but we’ve seen so many people with similar problems to what you’re describing have incredible results on the SCD diet!

The best place to start is with our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

By: Chris I am on Nexium(since 2001) and have also had my ileosecal valve and 1/3 of the SI removed(also 2001). I have some issues with diarrhea and reflux. Would the SCD diet be a good way to prevent further illness due to my intestinal issues?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Christina Wall.

Hi Christina! The best place to start is with the Intro diet and then phase in new foods one at a time – elimination and reintroduction.

You can get our Free quick start guide here:

From here, we highly recommend following the directions in the eBook for best results:

The book explains everything really clearly.

I hope this helps your husband get back to feeling really good soon – and you too! It’s great for acid reflux as is this:

By: Christina Wall How do I begin to assess my husband’s and my individual tolerance for different foods in order to customize our diet. He has nasty diverticulitis and I have acid reflux so bad that my teeth are eroded. I wasn’t aware of having acid reflux so it is difficult to understand the cause other than low stomach acid. I really don’t know where to start. There is so much information on the web!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Karen Rapp.

Thank you for commenting, Karen! The great thing about SCD is that it helps you assess your individual tolerance for different foods and create the custom diet that will make you feel great. We think the ability to customize the diet is why it is so successful for so many people.

By: Karen Rapp Each of the recipes on this web page… I cannot tolerate: Broccoli, Green Beans, Pork Chops, Butternut Squash… (plus more intolerances.)

Doctors say I don’t have Celiac. But I am seeing improvement on FODMAP, knowing I have low HCL problem that has possibly lead to these food intolerances. Still working it out…Just started on FODMAP a few days ago after trying Paleo for while and just couldn’t do it. I do use the Chicken/Carrots in crockpot as a way to return to normalness.

I did just pass on this website to a friend’s daughter who drastically needs help (Celiac/Diabetic who is still eating gluten…she’s in her 20’s, and feeling bad)

Thanks for this site!

By: Ashley In reply to Karen Rapp.

Of course you can substitute acorn! Acorn isn’t as sweet as butternut, but it’ll do the same thing. You could also substitute hubbard squash, or pumpkin. It’ll taste a bit different but that’s about it. Though I have to say if you’re using cubes, butternut is the easiest to do yourself. But if you’re doing puree, it isn’t going to matter.

By: Karen Rapp I have an intolerance to Butternut Squash, and I have to say I do see a lot of recipes that use Butternut as opposed to say Acorn Squash. Do you think there’s any difference between the two squashes? Are they interchangeable?
