Comments on: Dessert: Banana “Un-Oreos” Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 28 Sep 2017 22:45:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jane.

Hey Jane – thanks for sharing your opinion.

We’re all unique and have to avoid different ingredients – so it is REALLY hard to find a recipe that works for everyone. Even SCD_legal foods like nuts are voided by many on SCD (like me!) We do the best we can to share health-promoting recipes that people will enjoy making and eating.

By: Jane I just want to endorse what Doris said. I hadn’t ordered the book because I’m trying not to accumulate more books but was thinking of making an exception. Now I won’t order it because I don’t need another with lots of ingredients I can’t eat.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to doris.

Hi Doris – thanks for sharing your perspective.

As someone with a ton of food intolerances myself, I understand the frustration of reading through a recipe you think you can have only to be disappointed! I will definitely make sure Steve and Jordan know about your suggestion.

You might be interested in our SCD meal plans – they have recipes and suggestions for people in the early phases of the diet, when trying new “illegal” foods and making substitutions isn’t recommended.

You can learn more here:

By: doris I can totally understand what that guy is saying. It is really disheartening to see something you think you can have, you get excited, and then have someone say oh, this is not part of the diet we’re promoting. Why not just stick to the legal stuff and if someone can’t tolerate that well then that’s okay. were already going through a really difficult time and supposedly you know that because you’ve been through it as well. Were on this website to try this diet for the first time, so having those kinds of recipes are not helpful. Maybe you can put them in a separate category called not legal.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Alex.

Hi Alex – we’re so sorry to hear you say this!

While we really respect the work of people like Elaine Gottschall and the power of the SCD diet as a healing tool, Steve and Jordan ultimately advocate that everyone question the legal/illegal list and test foods for themselves after they have healed some on the diet and are in their food safe zone.

Here’s what Steve said recently:

“The legal/Illegal list is not the commandments. It’s not law. It’s only a suggested starting place. You need to test every food for yourself and listen to your body. There are plenty of “SCD Legal” foods that are VERY hard to digest and hurt many people.

So don’t let me… or Elaine… or anyone predetermine for you what your body actually likes and can digest. ”

I hope this helps clear things up!

By: Alex Why are some of the ingredients illegal, like carob, sweet potatoes and arrowroot. I’ve lost confidence in this site. It’s contradictory!
