Comments on: The Neti Pot – How to Boost Your Immune System Today Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:39:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Ankush.

Hello, while this is not our area of expertise, we always suggest addressing the diet first to help heal the gut. The best place to start is here:

By: Ankush In reply to Carol Frilegh.

Hi… I have been having nasal polyps for past 4 years.. I have been trying to neti for a while now. Do you have any thing else you want to recommend?
My email :

Thank you

By: hernando mauro Jordan is correct.

When you do have a sinus infection i.e mucus is green/yellow, Neti will force sinus drainage. You will have to add a few drops of GSE (i.e nutribiotic, agrisept-L) to clear the infection as I have found straight neti will not do it, or do it quick enough.

I use 3 drops of Nutribiotic Max Strength GSE (equivalent to 9 drops of Nutribiotic regular GSE) and go higher or lower from there. You will feel a slight burn but it quickly subsides after neti.

By: Sheri What are the effects of using table salt? Does it damage anything or just because it’s irritating? Just wondered, cause I live in Central America and do not have access to saline salt so I’ve been using table salt, since I read somewhere else it is ok to use, even though it is slightly irritating. If I have to choose between that and plain water which should I choose?

By: Lauren I’ve chronic sinus infections for about 5 years as well as extensive nasal polyps (the worst case ENT and allergy specialists had ever seen). The polyps were so overgrown that I couldn’t use the neti pot at all, or most other remedies, and prescription steroids weren’t even working. I lived in a constant state of stuffy nose. At last option, I had to have surgery to remove the polyps last fall, but since then have used the neti pot twice a day. At first sign of infection, I use some grapeseed oil and goldenseal in the pot, and have even begun to rotate using a capsule of SCD compliant probiotics in the pot to have the assistance of good bacteria to kick whatever bacteria and fungus might be at work in my cavities. So far, the signs of infection I’ve battled with have not left me debilitated, stuffed, and in disorienting pain, which is a huge change from 5 straight years of hell.

I’m also using the SCD diet tailored to salicylate sensitivity to address underlying digestive issues that have caused the immune imbalance and chronic inflammation in my sinuses and lungs and to prevent the redevelopment of polyps. Since starting the Intro Diet last week, I’ve had especially great relief that I did not have on the full diet, especially with the elimination of sugar and dairy. I’ve been able to reduce asthma medication usage, have avoided going back on daily nasal steroids, reduce Zyrtec usage, and I produce significantly less mucous overall, but I still struggle with infected mucous and minor sinus headaches. Little by little. : )

There’s no tool like the neti pot, that’s for sure. Happy healing, folks.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Jeff.

@Jeff – good point… I’m not looking to invite any bugs into my brain. Seems like theirs came from well water, I wonder if city water is safer?

By: Jeff I’ve had great success with the Neti Pot as well. Make sure you use filtered or boiled water as there have recently been two deaths associated with tap water use!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Katherine.

Ha-ha, that’s great to hear Katherine. I love my neti pot too – I’ve kicked 2 sinus infections with it and some Grapefruit Seed Extract Drops.


By: Katherine I love my neti pot. I haven’t had sinus issues since I went off gluten and dairy so I no longer need it for that, but I still have a dust allergy. Now any time I get triggered I just use the neti pot and I’m fine again. No more wearing a dust mask to do cleaning jobs or having my whole day ruined by trying on a cardie from the back of the wardrobe!

By: Steven Wright I use my neti pot in the morning everyday as well, and sometimes like right now when seasonal allergies flair up I will use it before bed as well. Using it before bed is a great way to get rid of any allergens picked up during the day.

By: Carol Frilegh The Neti Pot helped me big time. I had a monster sinus infection that lasted nearly a month. It even interfered with my vision. I have such a neat family physician. She suggested a steroid nasal spray, anti histamines (optional) and a Neti Pot. One morning as I was having my daily nasal tea party procedure, when out came an enormous polyp. (I photographed the sucker but this is a picture appreciated by no one. I even brought the polyp to the doctor). Now I do “pot” every day, Neti Pot, and my sinuses are clean, not mean!
