Comments on: The Missing Piece of the Celiac Disease Puzzle Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:14:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: leah 2 years ago I had an endoscopy because of every day acid reflux and was simply told I had excessive acid in my stomach. Today I went back to the gastrointestinal Dr after still dealing with the reflux and was informed I was diagnosed back then with Celiac Disease but never told. This information will hopefully help to get me out of the constant aches, pains and stomach irritations I thought I would just have to deal with. THANK YOU!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Robin.

Hi Robin – thanks for reaching out!

Here’s someplace to start – if you need more info email us

By: Robin Modifications for vegetarians?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Madison.

Hi Madison – I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling. Yes, we think this diet can help. This article is good next step:

By: Madison I’ve had Celiac for three years and I’m very cautious about what I eat to avoid being glutened. Now I’m struggling with extreme fatigue and no energy.. Just wondered if this diet will help. And how much more expensive it is to be on this diet. I’ve had blood work done and it all looks normal. I’m blaming Celiac and needs answers and a solution..

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sean.

Hi Sean -I hope this helps:

By: Sean My diarrhea has been for 7 years. Nothing works. Frustrated.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Les Hollander.

Hi Les – please read this article:

By: Les Hollander I’ve been diagnosed as having celiac disease. I eat glutin free and still have diarrhea all the time, am losing a lot of weight and heartburn 70% of the day.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Michèl & Dale.

Hi Michel – tea and coffee are allowed, but not decaf or with added sweeteners. We recommend limiting to 1-2 cups per day! I hope this helps your husband 🙂

By: Michèl & Dale Hi there,
I can not wait to get my husband to try this “Life/eating Style System”
In the beginning of this year, my husband, thought that he may have
A bleeding ulcer, Crohns or IBS or who knows…. We later found out…
That he maybe a celiac intorentint. His doctor referred him to a specialist,
and dietician, in the mean time we have or should I say I have tried to eliminate
“Glutin ” from his diet… I think it has helped… But he still gets the terrible
tummy cramps, gas, bloating ect… The diarrhea is not as often, but he still gets
It from time to time… He tries not to complain about it but you can tell when
He is having problems… He says that when he eats food now…. He can really
feel it when it hit the top and the bottom of the intestines. So I have been reading
Up on your system…. Since I do 98% of the cooking…(when he does its just ..
What he can put in the microwave or out of the fridge or take-out!) I am
going to try him on this to see if it helps…. I will also be doing it with him
Because I want him to succeed! I know that if I plan on him doing this… It is
much easier to have a buddy system in place…
So on this system…. Can you still drink coffee? I try to tell him that a pot of
coffee to your self in a day is most likely not the best thing, but I guess that
T is coffee and NOT something worst . Lol
Michèl ?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Rebecca C. Jones.

@ Rebecca – I’m sorry your feeling so bad, Give SCD 30 days I think you will be amazed at how much it helps. Make sure you check out our free guide on starting the diet! Update us in a few weeks on how your doing… Good luck!

By: Rebecca C. Jones I have the SCD diet book, but have tried to not start this diet as it is very restrictive. I am so tired of flareups that I am now willing to try anything. Thank you for your information. I was avoiding gluten and still having flareups. I have now had diarrhea for over 3 weeks, every single day, for hours a day. I am exhausted, bloated, and miserable. I cannot wait to get started. Thank you again.
