Comments on: My Favorite SCD Legal Pancakes (Almond Flour) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 13 Feb 2017 20:45:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to ben.

Hi Ben – not exactly sure what those products are at that specific store, but just make sure you look at the ingredients and organic is best.

By: ben In reply to Andrea.

what about the almond flour and coconut flour at winco? are those ok? They’re only like $3 a pound.

By: How to make your favourite dishes SCD legal/paleo | My day-by-day guide to 100 days on SCD […] again: For SCD pancakes, use eggs, almond flour and coconut oil – try this recipe or this one – or attemptĀ an even easier 3-ingredient pancake that’s super light and […]

By: Zach Does anyone know at what phase these pancakes are legal to make. We are in the 2nd Phase and weren’t sure when we could start eating these. Thanks!

By: Anna I tried this pancakes and they are really the best SCD pancakes a tried ever. Even with a different oil or nuts. Thank you!

By: Ed M Any good SCD syrup recipes that anyone has tried besides straight Honey?

By: MELANIE BUTLER Saw your pancakes on This southern girl’s life. I am defiately going to try these. I absolutely love almond flour and can’t wait to get the water for these and I am set!

By: Adam I’d really like to make SCD legal pancakes, but I, unfortunately, cannot eat eggs. Do you have any recommendations for making pancakes without eggs? I’m not sure what to use that serves as a binder for the recipe. I’ve used apple sauce and other things in muffins, but I’m not sure that would work on pancakes. Any thoughts?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Kyli.

@Kyli – Hmm not sure what to tell you. Try again? I used Honeville flour many times for this and it works for me. Could have been a measurement problem?

By: Kyli Hey guys, I just tried to make these and they were a disaster. Trying to figure out what on earth I did wrong – what type of almond flour did you use? I used honeyville and it seemed too thick, so I added a bit more water… I mixed it for a long time too. Hmm. They ended up pretty flavorless and the texture wasn’t very good either.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Vibeke.

@Vibeke – He uses honey still. Honey doesn’t bother most people with FM (in small doses no guzzling from the bottle). But as we say on the site test each food and create your own custom diet.

By: Vibeke Jordan Reasoner, if I am not wrong, you suffer from fructose malabsorption too? How do you sweeten your food, I mean, what do you use instead of honey? I use rice sirup in very small amounts, but I know it is not legal. Or I use just homemade sour cream on the pancakes.

By: Jackie We’ve also experimented with numerous SCD/GAPS pancake recipes (in addition to pizza crust) and it is very hard to get just right. I like the sparkling water ingredient – hadn’t tried that before. We found using a cast-iron skillet and stainless steel spatula does wonders for not sticking.

Side note: Trader Joe’s almond meal is not certified gluten free and has caused our severely sensitive Celiac daughter to get sick from eating it.

And lastly, I hate suggeting anything, since you guys are so great and generous with your information to help people, but I can’t get over it when I read of you using the microwave and also see teflon pans. It makes me cringe. When one is spending so much effort to heal their bodies, it doesn’t make sense to add harmful substances from teflon and the microwave kills so much of the beneficial parts in food. Takes me under a minute to heat up coconut oil in the cast iron or stainless steel pan or re-heat food. We threw out all our old teflon along with the microwave – love the extra counter space!
~All the best

By: lisa truitt i forgot to mention that I will use watered down kefir (as I am a ways along in the diet and tolerate it well, but yogurt could be used too) when I try making my WAPF style scd pancakes.

By: lisa truitt I am going to do an experiment and see how it turns out and I will report back after I try it. I used to make pancakes nourishing traditions style, as recommended by Sally Fallon of the Weston Price Foundation, by fresh grinding my flour from wheat berries and then soaking in buttermilk for about a day before adding additional ingredients for making into pancake batter. They were awesome, just slightly less moist and light than white flour pancakes, as the soaking in the acidic buttermilk with the probiotic bugs in it breaks down the fibers and proteins in the flour and it comes out much lighter and moister. I am curious what this would do to the scd pancakes, especially if making with whole almond meal instead of blanched. I’ll try it and let you all know what happens.

By: maria diabetes-nurse Steven:

TJ’s almond flour is NOT blanched.
We live 5 hours away from one, but when we are near, we stock up. The unblanched tastes more like whole wheat. We like it in the SCD lois lang bread and in pumpkin muffins better than the blanched. But in pancakes, crackers, and cookies we like the blanched best.

Also, their canned fish is in BPA free tins.

I buy up tons and it keeps for months in my cool cellar. (I’d guess about 6-8 months)

By: maria diabetes-nurse PS: ours came out perfect- used Honeyville almond flour. Batter was A bit thicker than in your photo but they still turned out bubbly, light and fluffy.

By: maria diabetes-nurse Just made these for breakfast for the kids and I and had to sit right down and tell you what a TREAT these are!!! They really ARE “the best”.
(had to use stevia instead of honey too) Light and fluffy fluffy fluffy.
Cooked them in a generous amount of coconut oil & topped with a bit of butter.
Thank you!!!!!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Wendy.

@ Wendy – Thanks for the comment I’m glad your enjoying it, thanks for the tips on different brands of almond flour. I didn’t even think about that. Try making raisin cinnamon pancakes they are a big favorite of mine! If you have any other tricks you use I’d love to hear them.

By: Wendy Wow, I still love the recipe- we make it at least twice a week. However, the batter varies greatly depending on which brand of almond flour we use. Bob’s Red Mill makes it the right texture of batter without adding water, but the Honeyville almond flour makes a much thicker batter.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Wendy.

Great tip Wendy!

By: Wendy Thanks for the recipe! I doubled it, and the batter was still very runny, so I left the sparkling water out and added 1T coconut flour. Super yummy! I love being able to blend SCD batters without ending up with tough pancakes. I thought I’d have extra to freeze, but the boys kept eating until they were all gone.

By: kramer Ii just made these and they are awesome – definitely the best SCD pancakes ive tried. I only had canola oil and I did add a little cinnamon. Steven, I used the trader joe’s almond meal- that are not blanched as far as I know. Thanks for the recipe!

By: Dylan Hi, you can delete the above comment from me about the idea I had to use a spice grinder with almonds. That was a very dumb idea I had as I just tried it last night for the first time to make these pancakes and not only did it do nothing to break down any of the almonds at full power, it totally fried the motor of the spice grinder trying to do so, and it burned out and doesn’t even work anymore now, so no one else should try using a spice grinder or they may destroy theirs as well.

By: Andrea I love making my own almond flour. I buy whole almonds and blanched slivered almonds in bulk at Winco, here in Oregon, where they run about $3.50/pound. I then grind them up in my food processor, and my sister’s coffee grounder (which works awesome!). I also tolerate the homemade almond flour better then the spendy store bought stuff! I think it tastes better too!

By: Steven Wright Hi Susan – thanks for posting the tip about the almond meal at Trader Joe’s do you know if it is made with blanched almonds?

The closest Trader Joe’s to me is about an hour away but it may be worth the drive at that price!

I normally use the almond flour from the following stores online:

But currently I’m trying some organic almond flour found here (which I really like!):

All three of the companies above make great products and I can personally vouch for them!

By: Susan Trader Joe’s Almond Meal 1 lb for $3.99

By: Steven Wright @ Dylan – They are good, so good they can be addictive! Thanks for sharing the coffee grinder tip to make almond flour, I’ve done it before and it works great!

@Amy – Hi thanks for getting back to me, let me know what you think of the pancakes!

By: Amy Hi there, it’s Amy from My hubby said you were trying to contact me, and here is my info. I’d love to help out in any way I can with my SCD pregnancy experiences.
This pancake recipe sounds so yummy! I will give them a try soon.

By: Dylan MAAAAAAAAAAn that looks good.

I will give an idea I just had. I just went into the health food store and a tiny bag of almond flour was like 12 bucks, so I said forget that. I have a spice grinder that I think will do the same thing with a bag of almonds. Of course it may not make that much of a difference as bags of almonds are expensive too, but it may save a bit this way and spice grinders (the tiny ones) are only maybe 20 bucks.
