Comments on: The Top 3 Lies We Tell Ourselves About the SCD Diet Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:34:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Eyal Hargil.

Hi Eyal, thanks for reaching out to us! Aspartame-sweetened drinks are allowed once a week according to SCD if you’re symptom free. You can learn more about SCD legal and illegal foods here: However, SCD is about building a custom plan that works for you. We don’t recommend the use use of any artifical sweeteners. I hope this helps to answer your question 🙂 We recommend coffee or tea (unflavored) and sparkling water.

By: Eyal Hargil Hi!
I would like to ask if i can drink Diet Sprite. It contains aspartame and acesulfame k. I read that aspartame is scd legal. What about acesulfame k? I know its not healthy but somtimes I have to drink somthing else and not water.

By: Anita Hi guys!

I am blessed to have found your site and your encouragement. My teen and I have just started our journey. I am doing this for her, so that she can get past her flare and be able to live as symptom-free as possible.
I understand Jenn’s anguish. As a mother, it’s hard when your child begs to eat food that her friends do. And with teens, they try to sneak things. But getting her healthy is our first priority.

By: Rebecca Efrem I don’t have any BM issues (diarrhea or constipation) like everyone else (which makes me wonder at times if SCD is right for me) but i’ve been getting nausea, indigestion, bloating, and fatigue towards almost everything I eat for the past year. So I started the SCD diet 9 days ago and I don’t feel that much better. I’ve been gluten and dairy free for a couple of months now and that’s helped, but I still feel nauseated on a daily basis. Maybe it’s the sugary fruits. But even the carrots make me sorta sick! The meats do too so i’m suspecting I may be having trouble digesting the fat or protein. I ordered the GI Prohealth Scdophius to help out with that. But I respond well to maybe it’s not protein? I’m only eating carrots,eggs,gelatin,fish,turkey, chicken, and squash right now so i’m really confused as to why I still feel sick. I am getting really discouraged and i’m pretty!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Alyse Giancola.

@ Alyse,

Thanks for sharing your story – you are amazing! Keep working hard and taking control of your health. You and you’re husband rock! I appreciate the suggestion, keep ’em coming.

Let us know how things are going,


By: Alyse Giancola Hi Guys…Can’t believe it’s taken me so long to find your website! I’m almost driven to tears to hear all the people dealing with the same issues I am. I have been on the diet for 3 1/2 years now. Fanatical Adherence for the 1st year and slowly slipping adding way too many things back and I am definitely paying the price. Actually running to the bathroom while typing this… 🙁 Anyway, made up my mind to go back 100% and get back too where I was…pain and med free for the 1st time in my life!!! I will be on the site everyday for inspiration…and recipes of course! My husband is amazing and did all the research, begged me to start the diet and now does it with me. Changed my life forever.

Small suggestion/request….I’m not sure if it is already on the site somewhere, but the book was written quite some time ago and there are new products on the market that help make things a little easier such as the greek yogurt (with supplements of course). How about an article on that?

I can go on and on…but I really have to go to work, LOL. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK AND THANK YOU!!!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Lisa.

Thanks Lisa!

By: Lisa Hi guys,

I just found your site and I’m loving it. I’ve been following SCD for two years now and it’s given me my life back. I have a baby daughter who I’m thoroughly enjoying and I’m even running a marathon next weekend. It’s so encouraging to see others promoting the SCD diet and offering support to those suffering from IBD. Keep up the great work!!


By: Steven Wright @ Jenn – I’m sorry to hear that, but I would like you to challenge you to look at in a different light. What if it really isn’t deprivation? I mean I’m guessing since you are still on the diet it must be working? So in that regard your making the choice to not deprive her from her health.

The only part of Halloween that us SCD’ers cannot participate in revolves around candy. There is still plenty of fun to be had with Halloween and there are tons of SCD legal goodies to make her if you think she is missing out on the tradition of overloading our kids with massive amounts of sugar.

All I’m trying to say is that if the choice is being 100% engaged in a western holiday or my kids health, I’ll take health with an 80% participation rate. This diet is only as limiting as you make it in your head.

Thanks for commenting and I hope your daughter is finding the success she needs on the diet. If not please email me and I would be more than happy to help out where I can.

By: Jenn I have been working with the diet for 2 months now for my young daughter. She gets really sad now and then, especially when a holiday comes like last night, Halloween. I feel really bad for her, deprivation at her age is really tough. I feel like giving it up sometimes.

By: Steven Wright @ Zoe – Hi thanks for the comment, if your having trouble getting enough food, I would suggest you start cooking in bigger batches. I usually try to cook enough food for at least 2 meals sometimes enough for 4!

The SCD is just like any other thing you want in this life, it takes work to get the results you want. It is easy because there are so many great resources out there to guide you on how to do it, we also created our book for this purpose.

The best part about SCD recipes is that they are always safe and 99% of the time are a great balanced meal because we are using the natural, easy to digest foods. So there is no need to worry about safety, if your concerned about calories, I would encourage you to sign up for to track your diet! Take care and thanks for stopping by!

By: Steven Wright @ Joslyn – Thanks for the comment! We are really happy to hear you are feeling so good!

@Ann-Marie – Thank You so much for the kind words! Your right Elaine knew that in order to get results 98% just won’t cut it!

K.I.S.S. is a great point! SCD can be as easy as you want to make it! The healing road has been paved by many, people just need to be willing to do what it takes to follow the success stories of the people before them!

@Tracee – Thanks!

By: Zoe My greatest failing with this diet is when I don’t have enough take along food with me to last throughout the day.
Consider too, that stressing how hard it is may be overwhelming and discouraging some who are trying the diet. More focus on how easy it can be, with recipes that you’ve verified are healthy and nutritious, might give the support some need to stay with the diet. Give the nutritional information with any posted recipes, so folks know they are safe and healthy.

By: Tracee Very Good article!!!

By: Anne-Marie Barbour Again, awesome and inspiring article, Jordan and Steve. Elaine said “Fanatical Adherence” to SCD – that understandably scares some people – no-one wants to be a Fanatic – but, without 100% adherence the biochemistry doesn’t work and you are not doing SCD. KISS (Keep it simple, Sister:-)

By: Joslyn can I get an “Amen!” was nodding my head the entire time reading this. I’ve only been on the diet since Aug 14 but I feel better than I have in years. Obviously, something is working.
