Comments on: Breaking the Vicious Cycle SCD Peanut Butter Brownies Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 28 Jun 2021 18:25:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Carol Frilegh.

Great point Carol – I know that I will be making this recipe with Almond Butter because I know that I tolerate it ok and I want to feel good after I eat it!

~ Jordan

By: Carol Frilegh Hi everyone. If you have a child on SCD, remember that peanut butter is not recommended.

By: Alison I make this almond butter cake. It’s pretty much the same ingredients as the peanut butter brownie but substitutes almond butter. You can do with or without the frosting and without it probably could be more like brownies. I’ve made this with both peanut butter and almond butter but prefer almond butter. I found this on a website so I can’t totally take credit for it (although I have adjusted some measurements). This has been a big hit with people who are NOT on SCD so I can enjoy something sweet and share with others. People arem always shocked to learn there is no flour in this cake.

Almond butter cake
2 cups almond butter
1 cup pure honey
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
4 eggs

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
Beat eggs, honey and baking soda together.
Then add almond butter.
Pour mixture into 9×13 greased pyrex dish and bake for 30-35 minutes.

1 cup butter
3/4 cup honey
1-1.5 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/4 cup almond butter

Cream room temperature butter (Mix it until it starts to lighten). Add honey and vanilla and mix well. Add almond butter and mix well again.

By: Steven Wright @ Grace – Thanks for the great recipe! I was actually trying to lighten up the peanut butter brownie recipe all of last week using some pumpkin, but I never really achieved anything special to note….so your post comes in great time!

I loved your warnings cause I’m sure I would have tried to early to put the frosting on.

I have another family party coming up soon, and after my SCD pumpkin pie success I’m going to be on the hook for more desserts, Thanks!

By: Steven Wright @ Matt – Thanks for the great comment! I’ll give your recipe a go here soon…Your right unless you overeat there are few if any high carb SCD foods, I’m just trying to keep them down right now to make sure the Candida stays gone (and I know they help me add the lbs back real fast). Thanks again!

By: Steven Wright @ anina – great idea! This baking thing is still really knew to me. I really have no clue what makes the best substitutes when your trying to enhance certain qualities so I appreciate your comment.

By: Tweets that mention Breaking the Vicious Cycle SCD Peanut Butter Brownies | SCD Lifestyle -- […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Marry Blake, Jordan & Steve. Jordan & Steve said: Breaking the Vicious Cycle SCD Peanut Butter Brownies… […]

By: Grace If you’re looking for “lighter” (which I assume means a recipe that is more cake-y and less nut-butter-y?)… do I have the recipe for you! These pumpkin (or squash) cake bars were a huge hit at my family’s Thanksgiving meal. I ate almost the WHOLE cake the day before Thanksgiving and had to make another to take so I could share! Yes, it’s that good. I also found an easy meringue frosting recipe that tastes exactly like whipped cream, but better. People kept asking me if the cake was really gluten, dairy and refined-sugar free. It’s moist, spongy and awesome! I did use raw, creamy honey even though the pollen in raw honey is SCD-illegal. I used raw honey because I thought it was important to have less moisture so the recipe would definitely work, but next time I will try it with my usual (legal) honey.

Pumpkin Cake Bars with Cinnamon Icing

-recipe adapted from the Food Renegade blog

Yield: 9 bars

For the Cake
1 c butternut squash puree
1 c almond or cashew butter
1/2 c raw honey
2 eggs (from pastured hens!)
2 t baking soda
1 t vanilla extract
1 t cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg
1/4 t cloves

For the Pumpkin Cake

Preheat your oven to 350F.
In a medium sized bowl, combine all the cake ingredients and mix thoroughly to
combine. Pour into an 8 x 8 oven safe baking dish (I suspect you could squeeze 12 cupcakes out of this recipe if you use a muffin tin). Bake until completely cooked through and a sharp knife or toothpick can be inserted and come out clean- about 30 minutes.

Once the pumpkin cake has cooled, cut it into 9 squares and remove from the pan.
Now: if the cake isn’t completely, 100%, no doubt in your mind, cool you are
not allowed to proceed. I’m telling you, if your cake isn’t cool, the icing will just slide right off into a pile of goopiness and all will be wasted. If you haven’t experienced what disastrous-ness comes from not heeded the above warning, you only need try it one time to learn.

For the Vanilla Meringue Frosting
-from the Health, Home and Happiness blog
* 1/2 cup honey
* 2 egg whites, eggs at room temperature will be easier to separate
* 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)

This recipe takes less than 10 minutes, but it does have to be done all at once. The honey must be poured into the egg whites while it is still hot or it will solidify. The hot honey also cooks the egg whites.

1. Heat honey in a saucepan over medium heat 5-10 minutes; until mixture bubbles and darkens a bit.
2. Meanwhile, separate two eggs, being very careful to avoid getting any yolk in with the whites.
3. Add the salt to the egg whites.
4. Put two whites in a stand mixer with a whip attachment, or use a hand held mixer and a bowl held steady by a helper.
5. Mix starting on medium.
6. As the eggs start to froth, turn the mixer up to high.
7. At the same time you turn the mixer up to high, start pouring the honey in with a thin steady stream, taking about 1 minute to pour in the hot honey.
8. Continue mixing on high as the frosting fluffs and thickens and is cool enough to touch, 2-3 minutes.
9. Add the optional vanilla while mixing.
10. Use a spatula or butter knife to frost cupcakes, or spoon into a piping bag and pipe onto cupcakes for a more decorative look.

By: Matt I love these brownies!… but I make them differently.
1 jar Natural PB
2 eggs
1tsp baking soda
2/3 cup honey
1tsp vanilla
2 pinches of salt

The extra egg and baking soda make them lighter than the BTVC brownies.

If you want to make them really fluffy like cake, add 1/4 cup nut flour, and separate the eggs (beat egg whites until stiff and fold into the mixture last, right before putting them in the oven.

I don’t worry about the carbs. There are so few truly high carb foods on the SCD, that if you exercise, I think, unless it bothers your gut, it’s a non-factor. My two cents.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

By: anina Why not substitute 2 egg whites instead of a whole egg–and some applesauce instead of honey?
