Comments on: Why Fructose Malabsorption Causes Gas, Cramping, and Diarrhea and How to Beat It Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 18 May 2018 19:27:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jerry.

HI Jerry – if you’re still reacting strongly to fruit, the SIBO may still be present to some degree. You can try natural antimicrobials to see if that helps at all. As always, we do recommend working with a practitioner, especially when it comes to SIBO. It can be hard to treat. Here is more information on a natural SIBO protocol: and here are the practitioners we recommend:

By: Jerry I just got off a 6mth strict diet to cure SIBO. My food sensitivity test had a laundry list of stuff I had issues with, but not much in the way of fruit was on it. This diet took away all dairy, some meats, all items that showed positive on the test and some other items. It was also, at certain points, Gluten free, and for 30 days totally grain free, including rice. I’m now back on a normal diet and the food sensitivity test came back completely clean except for Avocado. I started eating a very small amount of fruit and still have the cramps and diarrhea. As long as I don’t eat fruit I’m fine. I did not eat any fruit for that entire 6mth diet. I’m pretty frustrated since it was very costly to go through that, as well as rough on me. I love eating fruit, but just can’t tolerate it. I’m 56 years old and have eaten fruit all my life without issues until the last few years. Any ideas?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Suley.

Thanks for sharing Suly – it definitely sounds as if you were struggling to digest fructose and the inflammation and bloating was contributing to the heart burn.

By: Suley Interesting article.

I don’t really have any IBS symptoms but have had at times severe issues with reflux. I was on nexium for 2-3 years before finally weaning myself off of it. I was off it for around 8 months.

I was doing well initially the first few months but the reflux came back with a vengeance eventually and I was forced on intermittently taking nexium again.

The ironic thing is I had become so much more healthy stopping my 4 bar a day chocolate addiction and replacing it with much more vegetables and fruit. I was now addicted to all manner of fruits(especially passion fruit, mango, pomegranate and watermelon) and would eat copious amount every day. All the while my reflux was getting worse. I also went through a few weeks of unexplained bad breath(my wife kept telling me my breath smelled really bad even after i had just brushed/flossed my teeth and had nothing to eat).

I had heard about fructose mal-absorption but never paid any heed to it. After a particular week of absolutely feeling like crap I came across the Fast Tract Diet and it seemed to make sense so I gave it a go. This diet identifies certain foods which are much more likely to be fermented in the gut and you try and limit these foods. Many fruits were high on this list so consequently I stopped eating all fruits except watermelon and within a couple of days noticed I was burping a lot less(Reflux and burping go hand in hand for me and at my peak I seemed to be burping constantly. From the moment I got out of bed in the morning even on an empty stomach).

It was like magic really where previously I felt at a loss.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to chaim jacobson.

HI Chaim – you may want to consider the four horseman if you’re still having issues: See how your body does after addressing the 4 horseman and then you can test out bananas after you’re symptoms have calmed down a bit.

By: chaim jacobson I am finishing up week two of SCD, with a history of crohns. I started the intro diet for 5 days, then cut out grape/apple juice. Waited three days added Zucchini still with watery diarrhea without eggs or yogurt, instead SCD -S. Boularddi.. I waited 2 days and re- added homemade applesauce- causing bloating, with diarrhea.Added GIprohealth Enzymes. I am now off fructose now, and adding eggs with beef for breakfast , getting tired of chicken broth and broiled beef, and hand made ground turkey rolls/sausage with slivers of onion and garlic, salt pepper.. Still having diarrhea. Going to try the FODMAP and remove onion, garlic in 2 days. Any thoughts on when I should start ripe bannanas??

By: Tambra In reply to Maria.

Hey try Spry gum. Made with xylitol

By: Paul Owen In reply to Tiffany.

yes tomatoes being a fruit and part of the nightshade family can definatly cause allergy and digestive type issues with those sensitive to this food family….tomatoe skins are very difficult to digest so if you cannot live without them i suggest cooking them for better digestion and pulling the skins straight off which is far easier to do when grilled ect…plus go get a nightshade allergy test done through a naturepathic office…

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Not-Sure.

Hi – thanks for reaching out. Are you following the phase charts and introducing foods one by one???

If not, you need to go back to the Intro diet and then introduce foods one at a time as we describe in the book:

If you need more help, you can email us

Good luck 🙂

By: Not-Sure Hello,
I am new here and just started Scd two weeks ago. I got my symptoms improved on intro but when introduced back normal food especially cooked fruits ( less amount ). My symptoms return especially noises in the abdomen, gases and some kind of pain in the ribs around breast stone. Can someone help please if I am doing anything differently.

By: Su Nay This was an enlightening article and was the key to helping us figure out why our daughter who is diagnosed with celiac wasn’t getting better on the GF diet nor the SCD diet. It led us to Norman Robillard’s book “Fast Tract Digestion for IBS” which we read that night and implemented the next day. Results were immediate. Day 1 showed a drastic improvement in symptoms for the first time since the celiac diagnosis. All symptoms were gone by day 2! The book is about SIBO and how it affects much much more than we think. But beware- his diet is NOT SCD. In fact my daughter can eat whole bowls of Jasmine rice with no problem at all (since it’s all glucose not fructose it’s absorbed without problem. Not so for other types of rice.) I highly recommend researching “Fast Tract digestion” – the author said his book starts where “Breaking the Vicious Cycle” left off.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Julie Whitledge.

Hey Julie – I’m so sorry to hear that. The good news is that she can probably still tolerate some fruit – just in smaller quantities and choosing lower-fructose fruits over higher (here’s a chart I like:

If her fructose malabsorption isn’t genetic (most people know from infancy that they have genetic fructose malabsorption) she can likely overcome this condition by healing her gut. We’d suggest you start with our free quick start guide:

No matter what, hang in there!! This could be the key to your daughter feeling much better 🙂

By: Julie Whitledge Hi. My 10 year old just left the doctor with this DX. We were told to eliminate milk and high sugar fruits. Milk isn’t a problem, we only drink almond (and Italian only for cereal). The fruit however is her number 1 food group. All she eats is fruit, veggies, eggs and peanut butter. She doesnt like the texture of meat. What do I do??
I never thought fruit could be bad for you!

By: Shari (naturopathic RD) In reply to Tiffany.

I know the question about nightshades was asked about 6 years ago but maybe this can help someone else. Nightshades can trigger an autoimmune reaction in many individuals with some form of autoimmune condition such as arthritis, vitiligo, SLE, Hashimoto’s. Try an autoimmune paleo diet – it has helped me and lots of my patients.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to DENISE SCHROEDER.

Hi Denise, thanks for reaching out 🙂 In our experience, the more you heal your gut, the less likely you are to have symptoms of fructose intolerance. While your gut heals, you can avoid fruits that are high in fructose to help manage symptoms. Jordan saw big improvements within 30 days.

We have a comprehensive program for healing your gut – you can learn more here:

I hope this helps and you’re feeling better soon! You’re definitely on the right path

By: DENISE SCHROEDER I was tested for SIBO and it was positive, then tested for fructose malabsorption and it too was positive… Do you know any cookbook or recipe site that is for fructose malabsorption ??? I will be testing Monday for lactose intolerance, also. By choice, I have been gluten free 95 % of the time, for several years now. Any help would be appreciated !!!


By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kyle Jenson.

Hi Kyle – all fruits contain some fructose, but some contain higher amounts and others contain lesser amounts – so that could be making a difference for you.

By: Kyle Jenson Great information! Just curious of this could be my problem since not all fruit affect me. I can eat apples, tomatoes and oranges no problem. I’ve also been able to make smoothies with prepackaged frozen mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, and maybe raspberries or blackberries).
But a few foods I absolutely cannot eat are bananas, avacodos, kiwi, and raspberries which are all legal on an SCD diet.
In addition to diarrhea, gas, and cramps, I also sometimes experience vomiting.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Melanie.

Hi Melanie – we don’t have ebook on fructose malabsorption. Our book is on how to follow the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. This diet is not vegetarian – however.

If you have more questions, feel free to email us at

By: Melanie I do think that I have fructose malabsorption and would like to buy the book on the subject, HOWEVER, if the sample recipe is a good example of what you are offering, that is no help at all. I am a vegetarian and your dish consists of meat, gelatin (also a meat product) and grape juice – nothing makes me bloat like grapes. Is there no other guidance than these types of recipes? That is not helpful.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Robyn.

Hi Robyn – if you’re going to use the chicken soup to follow SCD-intro diet, we recommend you just use spinach (or no veggies at all) – then you can add in more veggies later according to the phase charts.

Hope you enjoy your soup!

By: Robyn Hi…I am celiac, lactose and fructose intolerant.
In your chicken soup recipe I can not eat carrots, onion or celery am I able to replace them with potato, pumpkin and spinach as they are the only veggies I can eat. Thanks

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Leanne Crawford.

Hi Leanne! Thanks for commenting 🙂

If you find you have fructose intolerance while you’re following SCD, you’ll want to avoid the higher-fructose foods, like bananas. There are still tons of foods you can enjoy, however.

Hope this helps!

By: Leanne Crawford Hello I am a little confused how can the scd diet work when most of the foods have fructose in? Or do you follow the scd diet but take out fructose?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Adrienne.

Hey Adrienne – we recommend you download the free quick start guide. In it, J & S explain exactly how to introduce fruit and what fruits to start with. You can download here:

By: Adrienne I was wondering what Steve meant in moderate fruit intake to reduce FM. Is it one serving per day, 2-3 of various fruits. Also, what are the worse offenders? bananas, etc.

Thanks, Adrienne

By: Foods That Cause Gas Pdf | All Documents […] Why Fructose Malabsorption Causes Gas, Cramping, and … – Tweet; Tweet; Fructose Malabsorption can cause gas, cramping and diarrhea. If you have any of these symptoms, then this is probably the most important article you …… […]

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kasra Eslami.

Hi Kasra, thank you for reaching out! We suggest a multi faceted approach in diet, lifestyle, and supplementation. Our Solving Leaky gut program includes each of these and would be a great start to begin healing these symptoms. If you would like to learn more and take the customized quiz, please go

By: Kasra Eslami Hi Jordan. I am currently someone who suffered pretty badly from the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis starting this summer. I started SCD broadly then started to eliminate foods as I found them to be causing problems. I had diarrhea for seven days straight near the end of summer, and that is when I cut out fermented yogurt and honey/fruit. Fortunately, after taking bentonite clay and probiotics and digestive enzymes, my stools went back to normal, however there still seem to be complications. First thing is that I find that my stools just fall apart in the water ( wouldnt be able to tell if they were formed or diarrhea by the time i flush). I thought this was low stomach acid but supplementing with Betaine HCL didn’t seem to help. Then I tried honey/fruit (banana only) for the first time since I stopped them in the summer, and I started feeling sick again, with increased bowel movements and diarrhea. I went back to my restricted diet and stools went back to being formed, but still falling apart in the water with somewhat undigested foods in them. I also find that I am bloated/have annoying gas in my stomach from time to time, so I was wondering if you had a solution to this? My assumption was that maybe I have an overgrowth of some strand of pathogen/bacteria that I need to kill with medicine rather than “starving” them through SCD. I will be seeing a functional doctor in just a few weeks to get the 401h stool test done to see this. I havent had honey/fruits for months so this is why I dont believe starving these bacteria will work. Please, if you could give me your input I would be forever grateful!!

By: Dan In reply to jacqueline mullally.

I have UC and had a problem with honey a while back. I even have issues with bananas right now. I flared about 2 months ago and still trying to get back on track so i quit all fruit. right now i stick with meats (watch the fats), veggies (stick with squashes, lettuce, green beans), no dairy except if i want a piece of cheddar block cheese, and no nuts. I’m good with eggs. they don’t bother me. Seems things are moving in the right direction. I’m also on apriso right now for inflammation but once things are under control, i’m going to drop off of those.

By: Dan I have UC and started the SCD about a month ago, kept a food log and just recently found out a few days ago that drinking welch’s grape juice and having a banana didn’t go over so well since i started. i’m not sure why you guys even have this in the intro diet phase guide. It really throws a wrench in for some people including myself. So, with those two items removed, my bm’s made a turn for the better. It seems that fruit isn’t so good for me even though i really used to chow down on it. So, i’ll have to quit it for a while to get back on track. I like the diet in all though. The beginning is tricky but once you pass that die off stage, things get better. Since it’s thanksgiving, i had to have some yummy pie…pumpkin rolls…ice cream cookie… just cause you gotta live sometime! and it was good! Back to the grind tomorrow and hope my bm’s don’t catch up with me!

By: jacqueline mullally Hi, Just reading about FM. I have decided to take honey out of the diet as I was getting bad gas/wind from it. I’m now down to just a banana with my breakfast and a table spoon of coconut oil for fat. I will let you know how I get on. Lastly, I was diagnosed firstly with mild crohns and then another consultant said mild ulcerative colitis. I have no pain, cramping, diarrhoea, etc. just slightly loose stool in morning and blood. Does anyone else have just these symptoms. I hate the blood, it freaks me out!!

By: elisa Hi, I have been doing the SCD for a few weeks and cannot tolerate even very ripe bananas or the tiniest amount of honey or I get severe gas. How do I ensure that I am getting enough carbs? I am concerned about losing too much weight.

By: Gail Thank you for this article. My personal story is exactly the same except that my SIBO was so bad I could only eat about 5 foods and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia due to the severe inflammation that accompanied my symptoms. The SCD Diet saved my life and put me back on track. I occaissionally have to stop sugars and always watch my fructose/fructans intake. Most articles do rapt mention the accompanying fatigue and body aches that can be symptoms.

By: HAMZA OMAR i am a patient with froctose/lactose intolerance since jan.2000, and i need to know what to eat
pls help

By: Cindy Hi there

I’ve had IBS for the past 20 years. When my weight is down IBS is minimal, when it is up I get cramps, bloating(I look 9 months pregnant) excessive smelly gas and level 6 stools.

High fibre diet is incredibly bad for me, i.e. diahrrea. I keep hot chocolate to minimum, not too much white bread. Dried fruits are soooo bad for me. Also apples, grapes, oranges are no good either. Beans are no good. High fibre pasta and rice no good. All the white versions of these constipate me so it’s difficult to find a happy medium. I tried the SCD. The intro diet was great, had a few spoons of honey when needed a sugar fix. However, when started phasing in rest of diet I got problems. I love the home-made yogurt but I always add honey. I made the carrot cake, brownies and muffins – is the almond flour giving me gas. I had yogurt with pineapple, is it the fruit giving me gas? is the honey giving me gas? The interesting thing is that I used to have porridge for breakfast (organic ground oats which I soaked overnight to remove phytates or phytic acid, whichever was the problem) with yogurt and blueberries and I had no problem digesting it. I’m just so confused. I would stick to the intro diet but it makes me so tired and I crave sweet things, which is when I go for the honey fix.

By: Alice Does honey still retain its benefits when heated – or does it become just plain 50:50 frutose and glucose without its additional benefits? If so, does that mean its on the same level as white sugar?

What sweeteners can be used?

What about glucose and maltose – which is what rice syrup is made of?


By: Nan Did FM cause you extreme exhaustion and if so did your alterations to your diet worsen the amount of your fatigue or cause any malabsorption issues? I like the photo that you chose for the article.

By: jes I already knew I had a weird reaction to sugar…..mostly if I ate too much that day….which is rare…but my body acts up when I do this. I didn’t know there was an actual disease linked to it. Thank you for this article. It’s always nice to understand things.

By: Viola Hi Steve and Jordan

I think the work that you do is great but your eating plan does not suit every digestive disorder and you should not try and make it fit for every case. SCD is not the diet to follow if you have fructose malabsorption. I followed your diet for 6 weeks earlier this year and while I lost weight, which I was happy about, it didn’t help with my symptoms. Later in the year I was diagnosed with fructose malabsorption and I now understand why SCD didn’t work. Firstly, honey should not be consumed if you have fructose malabsortion neither should pears. Both of these are in the diet plan from early on in the diet. At the same time, people with fructose malabsorption typically have no problem with digesting lactose so there is no need to cut out the dairy product. Fructose malabsorption diet has its own list of food that are safe to eat and its own set of guidelines and while it does overlap with the SCD diet, it is not the same.Also, small intestine bacteria overgrowth is not the same thing as fructose malabsorption. You can have fructose malabsorption without having bacteria overgrowth in your small intestines. I know because I have been tested for both separately and I don’t have small intestine bacteria overgrowth (for this they test with a lactulose not fructose).

By: Jed In reply to Steven Wright.

@steve, I had a similar experience of realization with migraines. I changed to gluten free during this summer. My migraines and tinnitus went nearly away. However, when I had a gluten free muffin mix that has inulin, I began becoming nauseous over the three days that I had the muiffins until I had a full blown migraine. So, I am not thinking that my gluten intollerance is really caused by fructose intollerance.

By: Dan Thanks for the great post!

So what can you eat if avoiding fruit/sugar and eating vegan also?


By: Angela Hello. My son is on a very strict diet from fructose malabsorption. His is missing Glut5. I would love to have contact with other malabsorbers missing Glut5. I’ve been doing research on the possibility of adding glucose to the diet when consuming something in which free fructose is higher than glucose. This has helped some sufferers in Europe, allowing them to eat foods with higher ratios than they could normally (keeping in mind total fructose is also a concern). Also, I have been exploring the use of Fructosin (xylose isomerase) so my son could eat things like cantelope or pizza. (The red sauce is the culprit, he eats only special white sauces.) Please email and put Glut5 in the subject so your message gets to me right away. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Angela email:

By: ruthie smith In reply to dkaj.

I lessen the amount of honey I add to muffins for example…it really makes a difference! I try not to eat too many bananas in one day…and make sure they are ripe…also really this makes a big difference!

By: ruthie smith Thank you for this article….I really can’t believe that you are pinpointing exactly what a portion of my digestive troubles are caused by….the too much fruit and honey thing…yess…..I thought I was just the oddball…but anything is possible with this group of SCD people! I never had a name for it, but knew that sugar was never my friend and that sweet fruit was also not my friend…and now I have a real name to stick to my weird reactions….it feels so great to be among you all…I feel more “normal” ha ha!!! God bless us all to find our way through the SCD and taylor it to what our body needs and wants.

By: Fruits and fructose…….. […]… […]

By: dkaj Hi Steve and Jordan,
So, if a person has fructose malabsorption, what do you suggest to use as a sweetener in the SCD diet? I know Elaine says in her book that stevia has a chemical structure similar to steroids, so it’s not allowed even though it is a monosaccharide. Her only other option given in the book is saccharin, which is FODMAP friendly, but I worry about the safety of that one also. Any feedback, suggestions? I have 2 children I need to implement the program on, thus, I need some options or we will never make it!!! Going to be tough enough the way it is!!

By: Fructose malabsorption | Paul's Perambulations […] whole night last night was spent without much sleep suffering from fructose malabsorption, so the day was more slowly paced than usual. I went to see the movie Internship tonight though, […]

By: Why won’t this bloat just go away? | PossiblyVintage […] into it and found a few useful sources about fructose malabsorption. The more I read about the symptoms the more I recognised in myself. I think I may have finally found what’s wrong so I’m currently […]

By: chelsea asher hello my name is chelsea ans i have to say i am fructose in tollance would tthis help me as i have tried the hosptail all my life and they dont know what to do has i am under great ormand street.
