Comments on: What to Eat for Breakfast on SCD (That’s Dairy- and Egg-Free) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 04 Aug 2017 21:15:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ana In reply to Peter Stevens.

It could be because you used “lean” turkey. I have discovered that any ground turkey that says “lean” or says anything lower than 85% lean – it just tastes NASTY like cardboard. Try to find the ground turkey that is the LEAST lean.. the fat keeps it more moist and tasting MUCH better.

By: Ingrid In reply to Lou Ann.

Like your turkey sausage with apple recipie…can you email me cooking instructions.

By: Aminah Great recipe. Onion , some garlic and little bit of ginger, thats a must in our cuisine. I’ll definitely try with onion, garlic and ginger. For this amount of meat, quarter of an onion (diced), 2 crushed gloves of garlic, and small tiny amount of crushed ginger would be enough.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Heidi.

Hi Heidi – I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. First, I advise you take a deeeeeeeep breath. Remember that when we are stressed we literally cannot digest our food as well. No matter how perfectly you rotate your foods, if you’re super stressed about it – it won’t do you the good it should.

I think the most important step is throwing out all notions of what is “breakfast” food – you can eat anything you’d eat for any other meal for breakfast. If you want broth and pureed carrots for breakfast – why not? If you want broccoli and salmon for breakfast, go for it!

Something fun to eat for breakfast tomorrow:

I like this with coconut yogurt.

Also bear in mind that if you eat a food more than once if four days you will not develop an intolerance to it instantly. The goal is to keep variety in your diet and not wind up eating the same foods every day over and over again.

By: Heidi Hi, I’m REALLY struggling with my diet. I’ve got fermenting upper gut and leaky gut with numerous food intolerances. I’m trying to rotate my foods every 4 days but omg the stress of it all ! Can you please recommend other breakfast ideas? I could eat this for one day only….then it’s back to the horror of what to eat next day. Have lost so much weight and am very weak. Can’t do eggs/dairy amongst others. I’m already taking digestive enzymes and Betaine HCL. Problem is all upper gut not lower! Would love to hear some ideas from anyone that has experience with food rotation (doesn’t everyone with leaky gut have to do this???)

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sue.

Sue – I like it with applesauce, pear sauce, or even pureed carrots (they are sweet!)

I also love coconut (shredded, unsweetened) softened in some coconut milk (like oatmeal) once you’ve reintroduced coconut.

Also good – cooked avocado!!

There so so many options based on what you’ve introduced once you get over the hump of eating non-traditional food for breakfast! Enjoy!!

By: Sue this recipe is really tasty … thank you! I know this is my conditioning, but I really need at least two things on the plate … born and bred Irish Catholic ( meat, potatoes & bread … maybe some canned veggies!). i am feeling better (still struggling with feeling deprived) on egg-free SCD. Any suggestions on what to serve WITH the sausage for breakfast?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Greg.

Hi Greg – we’re glad you’re having good results! Don’t forget to continue adding in new foods from the approved foods list. You can get it here: Add one new food every three days.

By: Greg I’ve been on this diet for 19 days, I’ve still got a few sunrooms but doing well. I east Turkey mince with carrots, Corgetts, onion, garlic with lemon and ginger tea. Fill me up nicely for the day. I’d this OK what I’m doing?

By: Christiane I wouldn’t recommend cooking with Aluminum Foil, try Wax paper instead

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Linda.

Thanks for sharing Linda!

These both sound great 🙂

By: Linda I make 2 variations. One is with seasoning that is really close to actual sausage: add to 1 pound ground chicken, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 3 1/2 tsp paprika, 2/3 tsp garlic powder, 1/3 tsp fennel seed, and 3/4 tsp of ground black pepper. 2nd variation: add to 1 lb ground chicken: 1 small diced onion OR chopped chives, Thai lemon basil leaves, salt and pepper to taste, and 1 tsp of grated (fine) lemon zest, and chopped fresh parsaly. This second variation has no exact amounts- it’s how lemony you want the flavor, but it has a very fresh, clean flavor,which is good, first thing in the morning!

By: Susan In reply to Steven Wright.

I just added it to my steamer for the last few minutes of cooking my veggies and it was super moist.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to eva.

Hi Eva, we recommend the SCd diet or something similar, as we have had great success with people in your same shoes. Please read this article here: The best place to start the SCD diet is here:

By: eva Hi Dear,
I have GERD for 3 years that has been the worse I have ever had after my baby. I have try different diets and nothing seems to be working. I cant eat fruits because if the acid. I took away wheat and grains but I am small and don’t want to lose much weight. Is your diet good for people with GERD I know I cant have much fat in my diet as it seems to make it worse. What would you recommend?

By: karen rider In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

I also have a list of intolerant foods that is a mile long, being celiac with hashimotos, I have developed leaky gut, which has caused great suffering for years.I understand that my safe foods,things I ate regularly came out of my intestines and my body built up an immune reaction, which showed up as intolerance. After years of being gluten free,I find myself having to start over. I can do blended smoothies, soup,homemade , meat and cooked veggies. I am finding it hard to eat in the world. But I am determined to work this out. Get a great naturopath who can help you with digestive enzymes and support.

By: Janet Even easier is to divide the mixture into burger sized lumps, knead and flatten with your hands into a burger shape (push it down a bit in the centre as the centre will rise when cooking) and freeze with separators between – I use small plastic bags but you could use grease proof paper if you don’t want to use plastic – and freeze. Have been doing this for years and my children loved them – suitable for all kinds of meat. Were always really disappointed when others gave them commercial burgers. Oh, and you don’t need the water if frying the “burgers”. The salt and pepper and herbs etc. can go on when you cook them so no need to mix in first, we normally just use salt and pepper.

For frying in minimal oil, I wipe a small amount of oil around the pan just with a clean finger, quick and easy (it is going to be sterilised anyway when you heat the pan).

By: MaryEllen I would never use foil right up next to meat as foil does leach aluminum into food! Do a bit of research and you will find plenty about this. Also, someone commented about cooking it in the microwave. Microwaves destroy nutrients.
Also, should stay away from Turkey that aren’t free range or are fed training tight quarters. Not good nutrients in those birds compared to the turkeys out foraging in a field! Besides, they taste better!

By: Heather Greetings, While looking for new SCD breakfast ideas I came across your sausage recipe. Our family is struggling financially to provide the real food included on the SCD that our son needs. I usually only serve protein once a day. If I could actually get ground turkey to cook properly I might be able to offer meat at breakfast as well. I have tried cooking ground turkey many times and I always over cook it, even with a thermometer, YUCK!! I am wondering if the fat to meat ratio on the brand I am buying is just not ideal. Could you please tell me what temperature and amount of time you would recommend for cooking just one pound of this sausage. You seem to really love this recipe and I think my son would love to have another protein and a different one. I appreciate your time. Thanks so much!

By: liz The problem with the recipe is that it calls for the food to be wrapped and cooked in foil; then the toxic aluminum leaches into your otherwise healthy breakfast! People are aware that their food shouldn’t touch plastic, but it also shouldn’t be cooked in contact with aluminum!

By: Stephanie How can 4 lbs of meat or 64 ounces turn into 12 6 oz patties…or 72 ounces? Spices and water don’t weigh that much….so there goes your calorie calculation too..

By: Peg In reply to Ammy.

Thanks, Ammy
Meat cooked in oil is no longer even mildly appealing to me so this sounds great!
To your health!

By: Lisa In reply to Katie Evans-Young.

One more thought, Katie… too much food in one sitting can also lead to blood sugar spikes and then lows. Maybe try having the kefir and bread as a snack mid-morning. I know it’s exciting that the food is actually staying in you and getting digested! Keep it up and wishing you the best!

By: Lisa In reply to Katie Evans-Young.

Katie, almond flour is high in PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), and a diet high in PUFAs can trigger an inflammatory response. When you use almond flour, you’re consuming a whole lot of almonds without realizing it. Almond flour is also high in enzyme-inhibitors, which is why I generally eat nuts between meals, away from other foods. Not a firm rule; just a general guideline. …I feel better after lowering my consumption of nuts. For me, too many almonds would leave me feeling lightheaded, ‘spacey,’ and a little shaky. I don’t know if that could be what’s causing you to feel shaky or not, but the other thing to consider is this: generally, people get shaky when their blood sugar rises to quickly (from eating sugars/carbs) and then it plummets. In my case, I do best with an all/nearly-all-protein breakfast and save the carbs for later in the day. My body needs protein first and then my blood sugar seems to stay pretty stable all day. Sugar of any sort first sets me up for possible blood sugar dips and shakey, weak, irritable-feeling all day.

By: Katie Evans-Young I spent all day Sunday cooking. The almond muffins, the turkey sausage, the chicken soup (which I added way too much salt to, so I’m going to re-heat and cut up some organic yams in the soup to absorb the salt), and also some coconut bread that I got a recipe for from a paleo website. I found that too many of the almond muffins made my joints hurt (possibly – need more data to make sure this was the cause). It’s weird to eat meat for breakfast, but I just ate 4 of my turkey sausage patties (they are pretty small), an avocado, a small piece of my coconut bread, a small tangerine and some kefir. Yum! I fell SO GOOD! I am not even craving sugar. It’s amazing what happens when my body is actually FED and KEEPS the food in! Usually I would have…ahem…eliminated…breakfast by now. I’m a little bit shaky, but I’m wondering if it’s because that food takes longer for my blood sugar to raise with, and I take an amphetamine ADD medicine. I’ve sworn off caffeine. Maybe I can stop the meds, too? Going to talk to my psychiatrist at next visit. Thanks, guys!

By: Pepper I’m 68, having a great deal of pain and found out most of my problems are from salicylates, so I cannot have coconut oil or seasoning. Are there any other ideas to help the bland taste of turkey?

By: Elizabeth Reinbold Hi Jordan, may I use ground chicken instead of turkey, it seems Iam sensative to turkey. Thanks Elizabeth 🙂

By: Jan Any updates to this recipe? Reading some mixed results.
Still need to bake before? Why not just grill a seasoned patty?

By: Ammy Hi all, yes breakfast is a conundrum!

I wanted to share my own standard, because it makes my life easier and that’s what counts when you need to throw something together quickly.

Here’s what I do.
Take a bunch of greens like kale or collard, spinach etc. and cut up and put in a medium saucepan. You can cut up carrots, celery and other kinds of veggies and add them too if you like. Add about an inch of water in the bottom of the pan. Take a pound of thawed ground meat, make a big patty and make it fit into the top of the pan as flat as possible. Sprinkle with salt. Put the lid on and simmer until the meat is all the way done. Add butter if it was a lean type of meat. Put what you don’t eat in the fridge. This makes 3-4 servings and can stand in for other meals when in a hurry.

I know, not as exciting as sausage and I do get tired of this but it’s the best quick healthy meal I can come up with. There’s no frying so it’s about as healthy as you can get.

And, JOYCE, there is an answer for you in the GAPS diet, which I think is the next step up that you should be looking at given the severity of your situation. Basically, it involves taking in home-made broths (and little else) for the first stage, which will speedily heal your gut better than anything else. Then you can gradually add in other foods. Do look up the specific instructions on how to do this, you want your broth to contain gelatin and make sure to avoid fibrous foods while doing this step.

Best of luck!

By: Nathan Thanks so much for this post! I’ve been having a hard time figuring out what to eat for breakfast as I’m dairy and egg free as well. Can’t wait to try this out!

By: Nancy I am assuming that this recipe is not approved for Phase I since it requires browning in oil. Is this correct?

By: Dawn @Transformed by Food In reply to Angela Privin.

I usually use both! Bleach free parchment paper on the inside, aluminum foil on the outside. I’ve found that high heat can affect the parchment paper.

By: Dawn @Transformed by Food Sounds delicious! I often have dinner leftovers, or even a salad for breakfast. I’m going to try making these, though. Great that you can make them ahead and freeze them. I also discovered that US Wellness Meats has Grass Fed Beef Polish Breakfast Sausage that’s absolutely delicious. So, anyone who has limited time might want to try those, although making them yourself is a lot more cost effective!

Thanks for sharing this recipe. Have a happy, gut healthy day!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Kimberly.

Totally! Lamb is good pork or any meat will work.

By: Kimberly Hi guys…I am not a fan of turkey at all…can the sausage be made with ground beef or ground pork? Thanks much! Kim : )

By: David Lucas Hello –

I am interested in trying this recipe. I currently have 1lb of ground turkey. Just wondering if I should adjust the temperature (300?) Also curious to know if I should still bake for 2 hours?

Many thanks,

By: Renee Can you eat this turkey instead of eggs at the beginning of the diet?

By: Peter Stevens wow – everybody is so enthuiastic about this – it tried it – it was AWFUL the house stank when cooking it – admittedly it was ground turkey from a national food chain. So I bought a whole turkey from a local farmer, where they grain feed with no boosters, and air dry – and honestly it was only a little better, but I was generally quite put off – so the dogs are getting it ALL. So I am stuck without this while trying to track down one of the 4 horsemen that is troubling me – there must be something missing

By: Sooz Out turkey meat here in Australia is pretty awful, or even non-existent as a ground version. But, so many options for breakfast! Am gluten and dairy free at the moment. Fish soup (fast to prepare), or GF/DF bouillon with vegetables, or vegetable mash and so on. Stop thinking ‘breakfast food’ for breakfast. No reason you can’t have dinner or lunch for breakfast, or leftovers from the night before.

By: Angela Privin I love this but since I had aluminum overload I stopped using foil for cooking. I use parchment paper instead. It can handle high heat and is safer. I recommend it to my clients also.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Denese.

If you do it let us know how it works

By: Denese Any suggestions on making these in a crockpot?

By: Deb Cook In reply to Joyce Hermans.

I’d recommend using venison.

By: Karen In reply to Chris C.

Just thinking this might also work nicely using a muffin tin for cooking … might be easier to be consistent with amounts/servings, for those concerned with getting enuf calories. Can’t wait to try this recipe – thanks Jordan 🙂

By: Tessa I love turkey sausage for breakfast but I make mine with cinnamon and dice an apple or 2 in 3lbs ground turkey. I then make my thurkey into patties with my hands and lay it on way paper on a cooking sheet and freeze it uncooked after it is frozen I transfer to an airtight container and each morning I pull out what I need and cook it from frozen to cooked in under 10 min

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Joyce Hermans.

Hi Joyce, it sounds like you have severe leaky gut. I’d say start with what meat you can eat and peel, cook, and puree your fruits and veggies. Digestive enzymes will likely help a TON, we use GI Pro Health’s “Prozymes”

In good health,


By: Joyce Hermans I have become intolerant to eggs, chicken,( I’m afraid to try turkey), all meats , fish, shellfish, beans, nuts, soy and dairy. I can only tolerate beef, bison and wild meats.
I can’t do citrus, bananas, and have become sensitive to avocado, mango and melons. How do I approach this SCD lifestyle?

By: Zajtrk | Pol kozarca […] Ob spremembi diete sem moral tudi opustiti svoj standardni zajtrk(kruh namazan s ?em in ?aj). Pristal sem s preduÅ¡eno zelenjavo in neko vrsto mesa. Osnovna ideja je priÅ¡la iz tega: What to eat for breakfast. […]

By: Steven Wright In reply to claire.

@Claire – I’ve never specifically researched the Aluminum link before. So I can’t really comment on it. I still use it and in the grand scheme of pollutants in our environments it seems low risk compared to others we might contact everyday.

By: Kathryn Trautvetter Thanks for this encouraging idea. I was just going in to “Face Breakfast” and was not extremely excited about my choices – so this looks perfect. Can’t wait to try it! I just started some homemade saurkraut yesterday. I put my organic cabbage through the food processor with the grating blade and it came out very fine. After adding the sea salt, it didn’t take much pressure to make a good brine after only 5 minutes! I wonder if the fine grating made it work so well? Maybe others would like to try this if they are having trouble making brine.
