Comments on: JFK Had Celiac Disease and Colitis? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:30:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gluten Conspiracy Theories: Was JFK a Celiac? | Guide To Gluten Freedom […] of all of those, I happened to like this article the best. It’s technically a sales ad for some book, but it’s informative without being too […]

By: jan I read about JFK’s problems some years back in the reader’s digest magazine. I didn’t keep the issue but it made clear he indeed had celiac and adrenal problems much like mine. He kept “medicine” all over the world for emergencies, took injections and had many health issues. You could probably find the magazine copy somewhere. jan

By: Gluten intolerance not always entirely Celiac Disease | Paleo Village […] the synovial joints. It can also affect other tissues in the body such as the skin, lungs, …TweetI think it’s a great idea to talk more about Gluten today too, after the monday bloating …t_like" style="float:left;width:90px;height:20px">I think it’s a great idea to talk more about […]
