Comments on: Coconut Vanilla Ice Cream (SCD Legal) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 27 Feb 2018 16:49:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sheri.

Hi Sheri – cutting the recipe in half should work out great:) We’re glad you’re making that discovery! Welcome:)

By: Sheri How much does this make (volume-wise)? I have a tiny ice cream maker so I will need to downsize the recipe. It sounds very yummy!

I’m new to SCD having recently figured out Leaky Gut is causing my Chronic Fatigue.


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Alice.

Hi Alice, thank you for reaching out! Yes, buffered Vitamin C is a safe form of Vitamin C.

By: Alice Hi there,

Can Buffered Vitamin C be used instead of straight ascorbic acid? (Such as Magnesium ascorbate)?

I don’t think I tolerate straight ascorbic acid.


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Marisa.

Hi Marisa, thank you for reaching out! You are correct that certain fats can be healthful, but everything in moderation. Listen to your body and let your digestive system tell if you have had to much. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide that a healthy balance is in this situation. We are glad you liked the recipe!

By: Marisa This came out perfect and delicious and is almost impossible to stop eating. It concerns me a little. I know fat is healthful, but there’s got to be a limit as to how much your body can process in one sitting. How much of this ice-cream is too much? I could literally eat half of it in one sitting without getting an immediate stomach ache. But am I hurting myself? Forget the sugar part of it. I only used three tbsps of honey.

By: Kay has anyone tried making this without the eggs?
Thanks so much!

By: Peter I tried making some ice cream with coconut oil. I blended up my ingredients well and poured them into my ice cream maker. The melted coconut oil turned solid again in the ice cream maker and became like little balls of wax mixed in with the ice cream. What can I do to better homogenize the coconut oil with the rest of the ingredients and not end up with wax-like solids in the ice cream? Thanks for any suggestions.

By: LauraA In reply to grosscat.

Thank you. I have been looking for a way to use my avocados. I have not been a fan in the past and was looking for a tempting recipe to entice me to eat avocados since they are supposed to be so healthy. I appreciate you sharing this. Thank you.

By: Colleen In reply to Kate.

Kate, try adding avocado. It’s the only thing I’ve found that makes Vitamix “ice cream” actually creamy. Banana helps too, but not as well as an avocado.

By: Carol Thanks for the recipe! I made this today and it is wonderful.

By: Mike I made this & substituted coconut oil for the MCT oil & it turned out great!
Also I mixed all ingredients (except ice) over the stove burner & brought temperature to 160 degrees to prevent salmonella risk. Moved the batch to the freezer for 20 minutes then mixed in the blender & added ice. The batch was very smooth & creamy after mixing. Then put in ice cream maker.

Thanks for the recipe!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Will.

Use the Designs for Health Multiviamin and Read this and test your HCL

By: Steven Wright In reply to Lynne L.

You could try but the make up is 50% different between the 2 so it’s not going to be completely the same.

By: Lynne L Hi guys! Could I use more coconut oil instead of the MCT oil, which does not ship to Canada (that I can find)? Thanks! L.

By: Will Hello, I have been doing the SCD diet for a fe months and have seen some improvements but still feel very bad and I had a couple of questions.

The main one is, I definitely need more vitamins as my restricted diet means I am not getting enough of important ones, there are multi vitamins available but they ALL seem to contain maize starch and other sugars not allowed on the SCD diet and I have stuck to the SCD diet to the letter, not one time have I had something I shouldn’t after the first couple of days, should I have these multi vitamins or steer clear due to the forbidden ingredients in them.


After a long time of thinking I have too much stomach acid,it may turn out I have too little! As I have removed practically all acidic foods from my diet should I slowly try and reintroduce them before taking any bigger measures, would it help? As some of my worst symptoms seemed to improve after removing high acid fruit and veg.

Any Help Jordan and Steve?!?!

By: Kate Great recipe guys! Loving all the fats! 🙂 I tried making a coconut ice cream in my Vitamix at the weekend, turned out to be more of a sorbet! Way too much ice to be ice cream consistency (I followed the exact recipe and ingredients in the Vitamix manual so I’m blaming that!). Whilst I like a sorbet, I was hoping that my ice cream would be…well more of an ice cream lol! I’ve just tried to turn my sorbet into an ice cream by adding some raw egg yolks and it’s now more of an icy drink! Has anyone managed to make a healthy coconut ice cream like the guys’ recipe above but in a Vitamix? Or do I really need an ice cream maker to make it properly?

By: grosscat Sounds great. Will make it soon. Try this recipe for another yummy “ice cream” for the summer…
1-1/4c H2O
1-1/4c sugar (Or can use honey or maple syrup)
1/4-to 1/3 c lime juice
2 large avocados
1T grated ginger
2T basil leaves

Bring sugar and water to boil and cool. Blend all other ingredients in blender. Add cooled simple syrup. Refrigerate until very cold before freezing in ice cream maker. You will not believe this is not ice cream.

By: Patty I am not familiar with the Bulletproof MCT Oil… I did read on the Bulletproof site that it’s a palm/coconut blend, not sure how extracted… So technically… you guys know what is up with this product: what’s its benefit and “why” would I use it instead of coconut oil as mentioned on the product page? Just curious.

By: Justin Looks tasty! Have you tried with other types of vanilla (e.g. extract) vs. the Bulletproof brand and does one improve the overall taste and/or benefits more than the other?

Also- I’m a huge fan of Amazon rather than 100 accounts from 100 websites. I recommend telling your friend to put these particular items on Amazon. Neither the vanilla nor the MCT were for sale there (which frankly makes me less likely to buy it any more than once, if at all)

I’m all for the best, if its worth it AND convenient to obtain…God knows we dont need to spend any more time on food than we already do…
