Comments on: Are Unreliable Lab Tests Stealing Your Money? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 05 Mar 2018 17:42:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rob.

Hi Rob, you can purchase the test on your own via a company called direct labs: and we do trust that it is a good company with reliable results:)

By: Rob Hello Lori,

Can I order the test without a doctor? I found that lots of labs require to visit a doctor and he or she can order the kit. Apart from that, some labs does not accept order from New York, New Jersey states. Very confusing situation. Biohealth is still good and recommended? (Sorry to ask that, but it turned out, Metamatrix = Genova and I found several reviews, they are scamming, overbill the tests etc.)


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Andrew.

HI Andrew – we do recommend 2 different stool test and this article goes into detail on why we suggest 2 stool tests instead of one:

By: Andrew Hi, my integrated MD has mentioned the Genova GI Effects comprehensive stool test, but the naturopath I’ve been talking to uses Doctors Data. I’ve listened to many of your podcasts and also those of Christa Orechio’s which recommend Biohealth Labs. Where do I start??? Which lab would you recommend now?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jodi.

Hi Jodi – I’m so sorry you’re frustrated.

Steve and Jordan know from personal experience (they spent a ton of money trying to get better) what it’s like to wonder if you’re throwing your money at useless tests/treatments/doctors. Their goal is to share as much information as they can with people, but they refrain from sharing info that is better discussed one-on-one in a consult via comments. We hope you’ll utilize all the information we share via the blog on your journey to better health.

We appreciate you sharing how you feel!

By: Jodi My reputable (ND) practitioner uses diagnos techs as well. I too am searching for info about them, a good sign to see others inquiring..? The lack of response from scd is frustrating. It is disheartening to see all the replies from scd asking for $$$business. I think more business would be obtained providing the information people came here for. Obviously you can’t get personal as this WOULD warrant a consult but general information is fair to expect an answer to. I don’t think Terri was out of line at all, just asking for literature to back up testing…ANYTHING? All These tests are pricey. And the article that brought us here is titled “Are unreliable lab tests stealing your money”? Throw us a bone, not a hook..

By: Mimi In reply to ammy.

Terri’s comments are exactly what’s wrong with the medical community. Exactly why most people do not get help for GI issues from traditional medicine. Really lady! Steven your response was so sweet. Thank you for all you do in helping those of us that have had ZERO answers from traditional medicine. 18 years and counting you’re website has provided me the most help these past 2 years then anything else.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Deidre.

Hi Deidre,

Please email us at if you are requesting a refund at this time.

By: Deidre Please cancel my request. Thank you.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Deidre.

Hi Deidre, thank you for reaching out! You can find a complete list of tests here:

By: Deidre In reply to Susan.

Hi. I too am looking for information about the Diagnos-Techs screenings.
I am a 70 year old retired prof living in southern California.
Twice, I tested positive for Ascariasis (Roundworm) on their their SIgA (Saliva) test. On my conventional medicine stool test there were no roundworms.
Thanks for your reply!

By: Susan In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi! Thanks! The Diagnos-Techs expanded GI panel.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Susan.

Hi Susan, thank you for reaching out! Which tests are you curious about?

By: Susan Hi,

I so wish you had responded about the Diagnos-Techs test. I am Googling for people’s thoughts, and was hoping to hear yours~

By: Steven Wright In reply to ammy.

Hey Ammy – In short we would do a treatment plan if we got that kind of lab back for a client. I think you know that I cannot give you the answers you want openly like this. I would love to serve you and help you take care of those issues. Hopefully you’ll join the consulting practice.

By: ammy Hi there! I am a Nutritional Therapist and always trying to unravel my own health mysteries. I have had the Biohealth 401H done but am not able to find any info concerning whether or how to treat the “few cyst forms of Endolimax nana” and abundant Escherichia coli. My symptoms involve energy/ motivation, mood and mental clarity problems, and sporadic loose stool. I am gluten intolerant. Perhaps I need to order the Metametrix 2105 to get a fuller picture? Any help appreciated!

By: maria What about Diagnos-Techs, Inc? Is this a reliable testing source? The dr I’m seeing had my saliva test done through this company. Thanks

By: More on My Metametrix GI Function Profile Test | thehomeschoolingdoctor […] 7.  From SCD Lifestyle’s page (aka Steve and Jordan), discusses tests to consider when you’re feeling bad or GI symptoms not clearing up: […]

By: Steven Wright In reply to Terri Fites.

@ Teri – all awesome questions, in general these are the types we cover in our personal consults with people. We’d be more than happy to help you and transfer any knowledge we have. In general your bacteria are always changing in your gut base on what you are feeding them with each bite, what environment you are in, and your stress levels.

Each case is different but 95% of the utility of the tests is in finding the gut pathogens. Otherwise all you can really tell from the levels of bacteria is how much dysbiosis is present. That is why we use the 2105.

By: Terri Fites Dear SCD Lifestyle:

I am a medical doctor (now happily staying home with my kids) sifting through GI issues, particularly severe lifelong constipation. You kindly answered an e-mail awhile back suggesting a few things, which I’ve implemented. Finally, after a runaround at several points, the recommended Metametrix (2100) results are back. Obviously the medical doctor who kindly ordered the test for me sent the results promptly to me, as he admittedly knows nothing about any of this. The ordering of the test was quite comical. Anyway…

I am reading up trying to best interpret my own tests, while also trying to answer validity/sensitivity/specificity/etc questions regarding the test.

I understand (enough) about the collection/analysis of the Metametrix 2100 tests. However, actually finding literature to support its application and utility is difficult.

For example, how does the presence and quantification of bacteria/yeast/parasites actually relate to disease? The estimated CFU is high, does that translate to pathology? Is the test only a snapshot in a brief time? If I repeated it three days later, would it be different? Where can I find who they based their “normal” ranges on? What’s the significance of anti-gliadin antibodies in the stool? And so on and so on.

Finding scientific articles on this has been challenging. I will keep searching. Do you have in your files anything that may reassure me on the utility of these tests? Metametrix has stuff, but I was hoping for other information outside of them. Dr. Fine (is that his name–my kids are now up and pestering me–no time to look) at the other lab which also does fecal DNA testing for similar things has a bit–but again, conflict of interest.

In summary, just looking for information validating the use of the fecal DNA tests for the areas reported on the 2100.

Perfectly understand if you don’t take time to respond to this. But if you do, great. I appreciate your site’s information and your positive encouragement to people.


Terri Fites
