Comments on: Troubleshooting Your Digestion Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 03 May 2023 22:16:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rose.

Hi Role – our Heartburn program is an online program that could be very helpful to you:

By: Rose Hi! Good day!
I’m 45 yrs old with kids from Philippines. Do you have dealers here in our country?
Can you help my problem of GERD I’m suffering this for long time ago but it now getting worst. Currently, I have GERD, heartburn and hard to belch. I felt it almost everyday. I drink before PPI but I have allergies to it, that’s why I stopped. Currently, I drink Gaviscon liquid and Vocinti. The relief was less 24 hrs. I don’t know what to do. I’m scared.

Hope you can help me to totally disappear this digestive trouble.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rebeca.

HI Rebecca – teh first step is to get back on the wagon of healthy eating, as this will help calm inflammation in the body:) It sounds like you need a gut infection program to address the SIBO and we’d suggest starting here:

By: Rebeca Hi,
I had my shoulder injected about a week ago, and following that injection with cortisone I have extreme stomach inflammation. Even when I take my thyroid medication in the morning, I soon after feel the inflammation in my stomach. I have hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, and Factor VII Deficiency (cannot take any anti inflammatory medication). I just don’t know what to do, and I am horribly scared to see any mainstream doctor. I also have leaky gut/SIBO and I have been working at it with no real results. I am committed now to not cheat on gluten, but the inflammation part worries me terribly. Please help.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to John.

HI John – great question. Our Solving Leaky Gut program is the most updated and contains a customized quiz to help you understand exactly what’s going on inside your body:) It also contains supplement protocols for you to follow based on the quiz results. We’d recommend SLG at this point:)

By: John Is This Troubleshooting Digestion Guide included in the Solving leaky gut Program (or at least something similar)? Does it make sense to buy both? I have trouble with “feeling” what is happening. Well, i feel it, but i just do not know what it means.

By: Rachael In reply to Leonie Fisher.

Hi Leonie
If you are still interested in goats milk, there is a little dairy in West Auckland that sells fresh raw goats milk.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Andrew.

Hey Andrew – we are so sorry about this technical error!

If you didn’t receive the replay of the webinar, please email us at and we’ll get it you ASAP!

By: Andrew Hi,
Technical issue – Tried to sigs up for your March 1st Webinar for Leaky Gut. I enter in my First Name then my e-mail
and Register Now. I am then redirected to a new page with a message – ” Your e-mail is not registered for this event. Please login in . I entered my name again with e-mail – Same Message.

Please Advise – would love to attend the Webinar
Thanks- Andrew

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Donna.

Hi Donna, thanks for reaching out. We do not have a specific program for those with out a gallbladder, but we have also had many find success on the SCD diet in a case like this. Our best suggestion is to try it out and see how you do with it.

By: Donna Do you address the digestive problems caused by a lack of a gallbladder?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Natalie C Zilli.

Hi Natalie, thanks for reaching out! We do suggest our Solving leaky gut program, as it is SCD compliant but a bit more comprehensive. It includes a customized quiz as well as supplement suggestions to heal the gut as well, which is what you will need with this condition. We suggest giving it a try and please do let us know if you need any assistance along the way or help purchasing the program. Please email us at

By: Natalie C Zilli Hi Jordan and Steve,

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis four years ago and have tried many things to get the disease under control and improving. Some things worked for a time, but not in the long term. I am now experiencing worsening symptoms and hit the breaking point when I was up for four hours last night do to extreme pain and swelling in both of my ankles. The pain and swelling is unexplainable and I fear it is related to the UC in some way. I have been looking more into SCD/GAPS and starting to implement parts of it, but I feel I need more direction. I listened to your webinar that you did with WellnessMama last week, so I was looking into the Solving Leaky Gut Program. However, I also notice you have many other programs/products on your website and I feel a little lost. I’m not sure which one would be best for me or a combination? I’m interested in doing all the hard work it takes to heal (possibly be cured) from UC. I am 22 and it is my goal to regain my health before my husband and I start trying to have children in several years. Any advice would be helpful. I see you both have worked to make the products very user friendly and exactly what people like I need. I just need to know which one would benefit me most because I can’t buy them all!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to D. Biddle.

Hi, I apologize if we have missed your question. Steve is actually doing a weight loss call very soon, and if you are interested, you can sign up here: (Please register on or before Nov 7th, as it will close)

By: D. Biddle there have been several questions on here regarding weight loss and what to do. You have not answered anybof those questions…but you certainly want to sell your book!

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Reham.

Hi Reham,

We’re glad to hear that you’re starting the diet. That’s a huge first step!

Each phase of the diet takes a different amount of time for each person as we’re all individuals, but we recommend being fully prepared and starting as soon as you’re ready. We offer the meal plans and troubleshooting your digestion for a slight discount if you purchase the eBook first. All of the products are available online only. The book explains the answers to your other questions. Let us know how it goes! We’re pulling for you =)

By: Reham Hi there,
I’m happy i was able to find some logical answers to why my GF diet is not getting me anywhere. Have been diagnosed with celiac since last august and all i was told is go 100% gluten free. I was replacing everything by gf products, but my iron level is too low and i still have all the symptoms.

Your approach makes sense and i’m ready to start the SCD, but I have a few questions:
– How long is each phase to kill bad bacteria/help the gut to start healing? I’m travelling in a month and wanted to know if I can start on the SCD right away and by then i’m able to get some foods back into my system.
– Do you have a customized package for the book,travel tips and meal plan? How long to receive to start on the program? I’m in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
– Do i have to get a crock pot for the chicken or can i use stove top on low heat?
– Does gluten stick to stainless steel pots as well?
– If i fast all day and only drink water would this kill the bad bacteria?
– Should i take probiotics, Betaine HCL and digestive enzymes while following the diet to heel faster?

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to find where to start.

By: jan Moor Does SCD have a vegetarian/vegan diet plan?
thanks, Jan

By: Kit Campbell In reply to Trina.

Hi Trina,
The research I have currently been doing is on Candida.
Learn all you can about this feisty little fungus and make sure you are not in ‘overgrowth’.
IBS is just a term used by doctors, to describe symptoms. This doesn’t mean to say you ‘have’ anything, it is just your current state. All can change 🙂
All the best 🙂
Ex-Crohn’s disease patient of 40+ years, now completely gone since 2000.

By: Leonie Fisher Hi Jordan and Steve,
I was diagnosed with celiac disease about 10 years ago and went of a strict gluten free diet, over the years I still suffered many reactions which I would blame on gluten even though I was not sure how I has ingested it in the first place. 2013 saw a worsening of my symptoms to the point where I couldn’t work and I felt so scared and frustrated as I didn’t know what was wrong and nothing worked it just made it worse. My mum suggested the SCD lifestyle website as a friends daughter is on the diet and it really helps her, I was desperate at the time so started reading, it was as if someone turned on the light, I had some new direction on what I could do to be free of symptoms. I am currently on Day 51 of the diet and have gone from extreme pain, bloating with days of constipation and then days of diahorrea to only 3-4 bm’s a day and no bloating or pain. It has been truly one of the hardest things I have done in terms of dealing with the cravings, the detox, feelings of isolation and exclusion as well as emotional outbursts/crying all the time and feeling very down, but I stuck to it religiously almost obsessively as I don’t want to be sick anymore. I am suffering from moderate depression as diagnosed by my doctor, she fully supports my decision to follow an SCD lifestyle and is helping me with my depression, I feel very lucky to have such a supportive doctor and husband who is on the diet with me and says he feels a lot better eating this way. I still feel very low on energy but having no bloating or pain is marvelous. I have yet to introduce dairy and yoghurt as have been very senstive to dairy in the past but I know the next step is to get yoghurt into my diet but am not sure how it would go with cow’s milk and goat’s milk is not that easy to find here in New Zealand I would have to do some research and hunt it down somewhere near where I live. Would it be advisable for me to make almond milk yoghurt first before cow or goat? I am starting on trying almond milk today and if it all goes well with this introduction should I just proceed and make almond milk yoghurt first? I just wanted to say that the SCD has really opened my eyes to the reality I was really sick and that I could start taking my life back as the quality of my life was so badly affected by my symptoms I had almost lost hope. I know it will be hard at times but I am determined to make it work for me, thank you for your book and all the advice and emails especially during the first month which was the hardest part for me especially it being over the holiday period which involves so many social events involving food. Things are improving and I now feel able to talk about it more and search for the right tweaks to get me to feeling really good which I haven’t felt in years.
Thank you again for all the help and support,
Leonie Fisher – Auckland, New Zealand

By: Trina Another thing to add I have lost a lot of weight since May of 2012 I weighed 135 and now I weigh 110 lbs. I been trying to gain weight. I take multi vitamins, digestive enzyme from Core Health Products, I also tame robotics with prebiotics. Vitamin C and Sterol Complex. I don’t know what else I’m not doing to improve.

By: Trina I have been dealing with chronic constipation and have been to numerous doctors, had many tests fRom blood work, xrays, ct scans etc. I have cut out dairy, gluten, soy. Things seemed to be doing well for a minute but it seems like the symptoms keep coming back. The doctors say I have IBS and I don’t know how they can tell. My blood work is normal. I want to know what else can I do to get better. I get a lot of gas, bloating, vaginal white discharge, feeling tired and confused. I am very frustrated at this point because I haven’t found a doctor to do more tests to my stool or whatever else they need to look for. I just want this to stop and I want my life back. Please help! !

By: Susan Hi, just a quick question. I’m reallly skinny as it is, and I’m afraid to start with the intro diet because I’m afraid of losing more weight. Is there anything that I can include to bump up the carbs a bit, and still keep to the diet?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Tanya.

I test everything. No food is scared for me so I was reacting to something and just stopped eating it for 4 days and Boom things got better. We’ve seen around 30-50% of ppl react to gelatin in the beginning. Typically people also need enzymes and HCL so look into that.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Jane.

If you want to avoid additives then yes

By: Jane I read the “grocery store mistake” that talks about “natural flavorings” in meats. So, I’m wondering about the thanksgiving turkey I buy this year. The ones I see in the store DO say “natural flavorings. Am I correct in thinking that I need to find an organic one that doesn’t have that?

By: Tanya Hi there, this is a question for Steve. In your story I noticed you said that there was a big difference when you cut out gelatin in the first week / intro diet. I have recently started taking gelatin (collagen hydrosalate) in small amounts (1-2 tsp a day) because I thought it would be helpful and healing (I don’t have time right now to make lots of bone broth) but it’s been a month and things aren’t great and I wonder if it’s the gelatin. I was also ingesting more fats so I cut back a bit there to see if that helped, it did a bit but something is still off with a little -> a lot more bloating and constipation than usual. What made you eliminate gelatin in the early days and why would it be a problem if bone broth is not? I know a processed supplement cannot replace a whole food but I just don’t understand why it would be such a problem, if it is the problem, and can’t seem to find the answer anywhere online. Thank you so much for all the work you do!

By: jeanne why are seed butters not allowed? It is due to high omega 6s?

By: Vincent Gimmelli Steve,
What would be a good probiotic for me to take since I am suffering with IBS-C? Also, the probiotic that you would recommend, can I only take that probiotic if I am following SCD diet strictly or can I still take it without following the SCD diet strictly? Just curious.

By: Apel Mjausson In reply to Eugene.

I had that problem too, @Eugene. The button didn’t show up in Chrome on the Mac. Try another browser. It’s big and yellow, so you can’t miss it if it’s actually there.

By: Jacqueline Lee Will this diet help me with Diverticulitis? I am 74yrs, had surgery in 2005 and it came back a year later. Now attacks getting to be worse and more often.
Thank you.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Debbie P.

Hi Debbie, it could… it’s something you’ll have to test under the supervision of the prescribing Doctor. In most cases, testing is the only way to find out.


By: Debbie P The more I read from your ebook the more I realize that some things I hadn’t considered may be at play. Is it possible some prescription medications contain enough illegal ingredients to affect our gut? I am still taking quite a few prescription medications that I don’t think I can go off of yet, but what about the over the counter things? My doctor has me taking DSS and Miralax daily to prevent constipation induced splenic flexure attacks. Can you recommend anything else?

By: Christen D Hey guys, I’m wondering what your opinion is about taking UC meds and the effectiveness of the SCD diet? I’ve been trying the diet for the second time, my flare is getting worse by the day, wondering if it could be my meds bringing me down? They are tapering me off prednisone, I’m taking Uceris once daily, saw a naturpath last week that has me on some new supplements as well. I’m trying to be as strict as I can, but the cramping and other lovely symptoms that go along with it seem to be getting worse? I was hoping the diet would fix things a lot sooner. I’ve purchased your books and have followed the diet once before with little improvment as well.

By: gosia does the SCD diet cure collagenous colitis?
My inflammation is related to change of the structure of second lever of the color mucus.
Does the diet only manage symptoms or it can be cured. If yes. how long i would need to stay on the diet to get healed?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Katia.

Follow our eBook guidelines or the diet troubleshooting course for the best results. Otherwise use the 3-day rule blog post and add thing in. Good luck!

By: Katia Hi Jordan and Steve,
I started SCD diet two weeks ago. I introduce one vegetable at a time to diet. I don’t use any spices, except a bit of sea salt, so the food is almost tasteless. When can I add the spices and a vinegar? Do they have to be tried one by one, like vegetables?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Julie Paterson.

Hey Juile I think your diet is top notch and what you are not addressing is your hormones or any infections in the gut. Get some advanced testing.

By: Julie Paterson Hi Jordan and Steve,
I’ve been a follower of your site for quite some time now. I’ve been doing the SCD for 2.5 years now and I have never cheated. In fact I’m so strict that I’ve only gone out to eat maybe 10 times in the 2.5 years. When I started the diet, I began with Elaine’s book and went very slow. I had amazing results. I have ulcerative colitis which was mild at first. Within 1 month, I had no more gas or bloating that I dealt with my entire life! I was living a pretty normal life for about 1.5 years on the diet but the bleeding never stopped. I always had a little bit of blood. Suddenly the symptoms worsened this year and I was diagnosed with pancolitis. I attribute this to a doctor prescribing high dose ibuprofen for eye inflammation, which can actually worsen colitis (I didn’t know this until I was hospitalized for a colitis flare). Ever since then, I can’t get out of the flare. I went back to the SCD basics and have been avoiding the four horsemen but the bleeding just keeps getting worse and worse. I’m only eating meats, fish, a few well cooked pureed vegetables, taking a probiotic and digestive enzymes. I am no longer toilet bound (thanks to the strict SCD) but the bleeding is worse. Have you ever heard of people bleeding more and then it settling down? Should I just continue on the strict SCD, adding cooked veggies slowly and the bleeding should stop? Its been about 1 month now. Thanks for all you hard work by the way. I love getting your emails with the new posts!! Julie

By: joann In reply to Suzanne.

Hello Suzanne,

You might want to check out the candida forum. Also Dr. Gant in Washington D.C. has a good article on candida on his website. Having candida is an inner war.


By: Holly Zana Hi Jordan and Steve, I’ve had my celiac diagnosis a year. I’m an extremely healthy 56 yr. old with perfect weight. I’ve been 100% faithful to the “regular” celiac diet and also must keep a Diabetes II diet with Metformin 500 4x a day. Since it’s been a year, I only just recently noticed more normal colon and gut activity. I still cannot eat anything that has much fat in it, and have an occasional unexplained episode that I don’t know where the contamination came from.
I prefer to not begin your start up diet because I’m allergic to egg whites (but sometimes I eat well cooked organic eggs). I have Diabetes II and don’t usually have juices because of the fast sugar in it (I can do the soup though).
I’m living overseas and cannot get that juice anyway. If you could recommend any fruit besides banana (not allergic, but sensitive) can I substitute that?
Is your book on kindle?

By: Eugene In reply to Lindsay Gopin.

I have been browsing through your site and am keen on purchasing the book, but when I go through the book part of the site there is no actual option to buy it. Please let me know where I can get it from. Thanks,


By: Steven Wright In reply to Monica.

Hey Monica – Sounds like low stomach acid to me. I’ve got 3 articles on the site about how to test, supplement for it. Check those out.

By: Monica I just recently purchased your ebook. So very helpful. Thank you so much. I would like to start the SCD diet but have noticed it is very protein heavy. I love protein but for the past two weeks my symptoms have gotten much worse and whenever I eat animal proteins (chicken or beef, normally roasted or broiled no spices or oil added) it feels like it just sits in my chest and takes easily eight hours for the feeling to go away. I am taking digestive enzymes (pancreatin) and Klair Therbiotic Probiotics. I am quite concerned. Can you please help? I’m worried I can’t start the SCD diet until I can get hold of the situation as the diet plan is protein heavy.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Carlos.

We like to use SCDophilus for beginners and move to Klaire Therbiotic at this time. Always subject to change and for people with SIBO or Constipation others might work better.

By: Carlos Hi, can you name the product name of 2 probiotics (from Gi pro health & Klaire labs) that you mentioned on beverly Meyer’s podcast please? I went on their website but they offer loads and im not entirely sure which ones are the best.


By: eva wheatley Hello
My daughter has UC and your website has been such a great help to get her on the road to healing. You introduced us to SCD. I have downloaded everything you offer for free ( I am a senior who is retired) as well as ordering some of your e-books when on sale. As she is showing great improvement on the SCD and your info I wanted to give back to others, so I joined our local chapter of the CCFC ( Crohn’s and colitis foundation of Canada) I approached them for help when my daughter was hospitalized for a major flare where she was offered one of 2 choices. Surgery or biologicals for life. I found out very quickly that the CCFC is an organization whose only mandate is to “raise funds for research” . Over a period of time I was able to convince my local chapter that there is a great need and obligation to offer members more than what the GI’s were prescribing. I hope to share our SCD journey and to inform members of your educational web site. I have taken on the role of president and coordinator of eduction and support. It is a daunting task but there are so many who are suffering with no where to turn.
I have asked the organization if they would be able to purchase the 9 hr trouble shooting program but as a volunteer group whose fundraising has to go to research they turned me down. I have made notes from the free videos in this program but would really like to get the whole story. Will this download be put on sale in the future?
Thanks for your help, Eva

By: Steven Wright In reply to Suzanne.

It’s likely that you have a co-infection and a hormone issue that is preventing your own immune system from beating back the Candida. I’d recommend joining us in our Consulting program

By: Suzanne Hi guys,
I’m totally confused about how to deal with and get rid off candida first? According to the reading I’ve done pretty much everyone who is sick has a candida overgrowth, however I can’t seem to find a lot of information as to how to remove this? My husband and I have done an introductory diet and are now eating a full diet plan. However we still have white tongues. I’ve recently taken out raw honey and any type of fruit (even if low sugar) but am just a bit frustrated and feel like I’m flying blind. What exactly do we need to eliminate candida and for how long. And how long before our to tongues turn back to a healthy pink colour. We’re feeling a little defeated at the moment without absolute time goals? I’ve originally gone on it to heal a supposed lactose intolerance. Thanks for your help and expertise!

By: Laurie Peterson Hi,
I’ve been perusing your site for a few months and I have a question. I’ve been on the Specific Carb Diet for two months after having an onset of some severe symptoms last fall. I’ve had a urinalysis recently which was positive for ketonuria. I am not a diabetic that I know of and the doctor thought it was probably from SC diet. She knew nothing about the diet. I’m wondering if you have any knowledge or experience with this.
I’d really appreciate any information you can give me because I’m seeing an internest in a few weeks and I’d like to be well informed before my appt.
Thank you,

