Comments on: The SCD Intro Diet Chicken Soup: How to Make it Right and Why You Should Eat It! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 29 Sep 2017 17:42:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Helen.

Hi Helen – that really depends on how much a person eats and what the portion size is. This will make at least 6 cups which should be plenty for 3-4 meals! You can always freeze if it its just way too much, too:)

By: Helen Hello, how many portions does this recipe make? Is it enough for one day, or more? Thank you

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lisa K.

Hi Lisa – it is probably from the carrots 🙂 Doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. How does it taste?

By: Lisa K My chicken soup looks orange. Used 2 lbs of chicken legs/thighs and 10 carrots. What did I do wrong?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Danielle t.

Hi Danielle – Beside just eliminating the meat in the soup all together, we don’t really have a vegetarian version. The meat provides a large source of the calories and protein in this INTRO phase (and through out the whole diet). The diet is a bit tricky to do with vegetarians because there are just not that many options left when oyu eliminate dairy and grain and some veggies.

By: Danielle t In reply to Danielle t.

Without the use of seafood as was replied with above.

By: Danielle t Hi I’m curious is there a vegetarian version of the intro diet soup?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Janet.

HI Janet – what are you looking for? If you’d like the eBook (includes all the information on how to complete the full SCD diet, you can go here:

By: Janet Hi. Would be glad to have the rest of the chapter, please, as I cannot find a digital version of the book, anywhere 🙂 Jt

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Laura.

HI Laura! Local, seasonal vegetables lightly steamed are also a great choice when trying to heal:)

By: Laura In reply to Mariel Heiss.

What type of other healing foods do you recommend?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Eileen.

Hi Eileen – it might be hard for you to follow this protocol if you’re reacting to histamines. You can try cooking the broth for a shorter period of time. There are a lot of good resources here:

By: Eileen I am histamine intolerant in addition to multiple food sensitivities. I have heard it is best to avoid slow cooked meats. Any advice for attempting the 3 day soup protocol?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to David.

Hi David – we recommend waiting until after the Intro diet to start adding herbs and spices to your soup. After the Intro phase you can introduce herbs and spice the same way you would anything else – once every three days. The only thing we don’t recommend are spice powder blends – these often contain fillers you don’t want

By: David Is it okay to add various herbs to the chicken soup during the intro period? I’d like to add some flavor with some thyme or rosemary.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to k.

Hi K – you can sub in shrimp if you’re a pescatarian. You can use 4-6 pounds of peeled, de-veined shrimp to replace the chicken.

By: k what can i use instead of chicken if i am a vegetarian? i do eat fish. can you provide a diffenret recipe? i am really sick, have leaky gut and am in constant pain and am desperate for help but cant do the chicken so what can i use? thank you

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Mai.

Hi Mai – your slow cooker may be a little too hot and boiling away all the water. You want to keep the soup at a very low simmer (not a boil). Hope this helps!

By: Mai I started making this broth with 2lb of chicken and 9 carrots and in 1.5 hours no water is left in the cooker. Confused on what to do now?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Annette.

Hi Annette!

You can go ahead and add the chicken and carrots back into the soup.

You can also make more pureed carrots to eat by themselves (my favorite food when I followed the intro diet!) – you can just boil them in water until they’re soft and then puree them. I found adding some salt made a big difference in their flavor, too 🙂

Good luck on the diet! If you need more help you can always email us at

By: Annette I just started SCD on my GI Dr. Advice. We made the chicken soup but we’re confused as to add pureed carrotts back to the strained broth and the chicken pieces then make a separate container of just pureed carrotts? I sure hope this all works I am really nervous.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Chanel.

Hi Chanel – I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve been going through! I recommend you attend one of of our free webinars on leaky gut as it will answer a lot of questions you have (like how to get tested, what causes leaky gut, how to treat it, what to eat, etc.). Register for free here:

By: Chanel In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Hi Mariel,

I haven’t actually been diagnosed with leaky gut however on googling my symptoms, leaky gut or candida always come up. I have really bad skin infections and other symptoms including body odor (not sweat body odour though) however when I go to the doctor they just give me anti fungal creams which help temporarily with itching but that’s it. It has been 8 months and I’m at my wits end! What would you advise I do? Should I go to the doctor and ask them to test me for either candida or leaky gut before starting this diet?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Amber.

Hi Amber!

We wouldn’t advise using boneless chicken to make your broth as it is actually the bones that provide the broth with nutrients.

Broth can aggravate symptoms in some people with SIBO. However, if you’re eating broth (which is an amazing healing food) and you’re not having any symptoms, we think you should go ahead and continue as you are now.

If you think the broth is a problem, we advise cutting it out for a few weeks and focusing on other healing foods (and maybe try colostrum) before giving broth a try again. I hope this information helps!

By: Amber I have SIBO and have been making chicken broth/soup. I buy a whole chicken (organic, free-range) and cook it in the crockpot with water and veggies overnight then use the broth. I recently read that Broth made from bones especially chicken bones that has cartilage can aggravate SIBO. Does that mean I have to use completely boneless chicken? I don’t make the broth from the chicken bones, but from the whole chicken. I’d really rather not debone the chicken before cooking. I get really good quality chickens whole from a local farm and don’t want to resort to buying frozen chicken breasts to make my SIBO friendly broth. Any advice or knowledge to share?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Aaron.

Hi Aaron, we recommend you substitute beef if you’re allergic to fish and poultry. Here’s our recipe:

By: Aaron I am allergic to poultry and fish(have been since I became a teenager) and can’t seem to tolerate/digest carrots, even puree’d. What should I use instead of chicken.?

By: Cheryl I have always added about a 1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar or white vinegar to the water with the chicken. It gets the goodness out of the bone marrow. I also add celery.

By: James In reply to kristen.

I swapped the SCD Chicken soup with Salmon Carrot soup! Not as protein dense as chicken, but not too far from. Very easy to make and tastes great. Add some spring onions if you can eat them or something else to give it a bit of texture. Light salt and pepper and you’re good to go.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Anneka.

Hi Anneka,

Thank you for reaching out! Go ahead and try zucchini instead of the carrots.

By: Anneka I cant not tolerate carrots. What can i substitute for them or just leave them out?

By: SCD diet – Day 1 | Stomach, oh, stomach […] spent last night making the soup and this morning I spent about 20 minutes skimming fat off of it until it became edible.  There […]

By: sara i’m on day 4 of 5 of the intro diet and am thankful to have found your website. just one note: the first line of this webpage reads: “The Intro Diet Chicken Soap ” just a typo, I realize, but just so there is no one literally reading this, chicken soup, not chicken soap!

By: Shirley Atkinson Hello!

After I make this soup, do I eat only this for three days and then start introducing other foods or how does this work exactly?
I appreciate the recipe but am just curious about what to do with it once I have made it.

Thank you,
Shirley Atkinson

By: Question About Transitioning Away From Fiber Supplement | Mark's Daily Apple Health and Fitness Forum page […] Here's a basic idea: Slow Cooker Beef Bone Broth | Award-Winning Paleo Recipes | Nom Nom Paleo The SCD Intro Diet Chicken Soup: How to Make it Right and Why You Should Eat It! This is the chicken soup recipe I'd recommend. You can make it on the stove top in a pot, or a slow […]

By: Emily I leave the everything in the pot for the full five hours. Then when it’s done cooking I strain it, pick the carrots and good meat out, throwing the rest away. I also wait to skim the fat till after it has been refrigerated. It’s so much easier to get it all out when it’s clod and white and you only have to do it once.

By: kristen In reply to Amber.

Amber – I know you posted this in July, but I just came across it. Hopefully you are feeling better.

I bloat when I eat most chicken, too. I have severe intolerances to soy and corn which are commonly fed to chickens. I get the same reaction of bloating, sometimes diarrhea. It is really hard to find chickens that haven’t been fed soy, but try sourcing locally raised chickens that aren’t fed ingredients that you know you’re sensitive/allergic too! It is tough, I know!

By: Laura I’ve heard that using bone broth can produce excitotoxins. Any thoughts on this?

By: Amber I can’t seem to digest this soup. I strain out all the fat, but I bloat severely almost immediately after I start eating it. Suggestions?

By: Lisa THe longer you cook the bones the better. You get the marrow out of the bones and that is where the gelatin lives. I would take a whole chicken, roast it, cut off the meat and save that, then put all the bones into a crockpot with water and a tsp of vinegar. Boil it over night.

I learned this from the book ‘Nourishing Traditions.’ They have a sight for SCD. If you google Nourishing traditions and SCD, you will come upon it.

Thanks for the video on gaining weight. That is the reason I started back on this diet.
