Comments on: How to Make SCD Legal Carrots Faster and More Nutritious at the Same Time! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 13 Dec 2017 23:17:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tatia Veltkamp I used my instant pot to cook my carrots (and my chicken soup). The carrots take about 13-15 minutes to get nice and done. You can also cook them in broth this way; yum! Hope that SCD legal to use the instant pot, it’s become my best friend in the kitchen. I’m still learning what is legal and not. Thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Melissa.

Hi Melissa – ye… and organic is best:)

By: Melissa Can you use carrots already cut up and washed sold in the bags.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to gail johnson.

Hi Gail – thanks for reaching out. You can substitute Zucchini for the carrots and lemon or lime juice for the grape juice (or just leave it out all together) to make the diet work for you:)

By: gail johnson carrots are so full of sugar. I am diabetic and want to start the diet but am worried about the carrots and the grape juice.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to M Vangelis.

Hi M Vangelis –

Al dente carrots are definitely not what we are seeking here! It’s really important in the early stages of SCD to eat carrots very well cooked and pureed.

W love to hear alternative ideas for preparing the food in a SCD-legal manner – that’s what this community is all about!

We appreciate a kind and constructive atmosphere, however.

If you’re struggling to understand the scientific basis for things like thoroughly cooking the carrots, you can learn more here:

By: M Vangelis Ridiculous. Steam my carrots in a silly cheap steel steamer and one/two inches of water. Longer you boil/cook and more water you use= leach nutrients. Takes approx 4 5 MINUTES to make sweet, al dente perfect. 4 hours is like eating dead vegetable residue. What a waste. Who doesn’t know how to cook a carrot anyway, for God’s sakes.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Cass cary.

Hi, thanks for commenting. The intro diet includes bone broth made from chicken, and bone broth is an important healing tool throughout the SCD. You can use whole chicken or parts.
You can learn more about bone broth here: and here:

By: Cass cary I love the puréed carrot over the meat patty. My mind n body love simple eating. I make SD legal chicken stock FIRST, with a whole, free range chicken carcass. It’s obviously much better than just boiling chicken thighs.
I suggest you revise the intro to include bone broth. How could you have missed that?

By: mary No matter how much I cook carrots. I simply don’t seem to digest them. They are found in my poo. What to do?

By: Steven Wright In reply to John Seberg.

You want to cook the carrots till fork tender. Depending on your method, elevation and temp it can vary greatly.

By: John Seberg I downloaded the free chapter, and found the Intro Diet to be incompatible for a number of reasons, but, my mind is not entirely closed to it, yet. A big stumbling block for me, is the idea that it takes 4 hours to fully cook carrots by boiling. This steaming method would have been a lot easier for me to swallow.

Maybe when I’ve suffered enough, and can’t find another solution, I’ll come back to SCD. But, the intro diet seems like it might not work for me, given my sensitivity to chicken and the sugar in the grape juice.


By: SMcHugh Can I make a large batch of the carrot puree and freeze in individual servings?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Michael.

The peel contains most of any toxins in the carrot and it is much harder to digest. It’s not a good idea to keep it on.

By: Michael Hi, I second that, I eat about 6kg of carrots on the SCD and would love to know if peeling can be forgone to save time…

Or is there too much fibre in the peels? If I boiled them for 4 hours, I couldn’t imagine that would be a problem for carrots, but keen to get a second opinion before trying.

By: Bet Hi Steve, is it totally necessary to peel the carrots? I’ve always thought that peeling takes away some of the nutrients.

Thanks for the idea of using a steamer. Carrots take forever to get soft! I make a butternut squash soup and I bake the squash and carrots first. The carrots can take up to 2 hours, even cut small. I’m going to try the steamer.
