Comments on: Top 5 Reasons to Try the SCD Diet Instead of Humira to Relieve the Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:37:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jennelle Contreras.

Hi Jennelle! Thanks for reaching out. The SCD diet has helped many in your shoes – after all, it’s about getting rid of inflammation, strengthening the immune system and healing the gut. You have nothing to lose by trying the diet first, yet everything to gain. You can get started here:

By: Jennelle Contreras I’m dealing with Hidradenitis suppurativa and have been advised to look into Humira. I am a little hesitant because of some of the stories I’ve been reading but I am also looking for a way to keep the inevitable inflammation down in my cysts/abscess. Can a diet help my situation or do I bite the bullet on this and try Humira?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Richa.

Hi Richa- I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling.
We’d really recommend you consider working one-on-one with a functional medicine practitioner who can help you customize the diet to work for you (and address your cholesterol levels)

You might also want to read this:

By: Richa Hello,

I tried the SCD diet but most of the vegetables don’t suit me making it impossible to follow the diet.Also I cannot tolerate cheese or nut flours making it even more difficult to survive without me feeling dizzy and weak.
After starting the diet for a month and a half my Cholestrol levels hit the roof!!
I don’t know what to do…..
Please show some light on this problem.

Thank you

By: Cathy Sounds like a great alternative to a life of taking drugs for Crohns:-) I would like to read from people who are doing the diet and are symptom free and for how long.

By: Sonya I’m a Physician Assistant in GI and although I don’t typically see IBD patients in clinic (the docs in my practice prefer to see them since these poor folks require so much follow-up and they can bill so much higher for them- ugh) but when I do encounter these folks I give them information like this if they have not already been placed on an immunosuppressive drug. I can’t even look the Humira reps in the eye any more. Nor the Nexium reps. Or any other pharm rep who is pimping something other than a natural way to health.

By: blackbass drugs make companies/doctors rich and keep patients sick…its amazing how fast the GI doctors were pushing me to take humira and remicade…then i realized they were getting serious kick backs from the manufacturers of the drugs…its all about passive income…sad…but that is the ugly truth of how the medical profession has evolved

By: Steven Wright In reply to Linda.

Thanks Linda!

By: Linda Beautifully written!!! This couldn’t hit closer to home and is a great reminder why many of us strive to eat healthy and loose the drugs!!!
