Comments on: Are You Eating Enough Calories on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 14 Sep 2023 07:58:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: 20bet Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.

By: Vindhya mehrotra I have gluten sensitivity…n numerable food intolerances…every post n article is so informative…I get all the answers…u r God sent blessing to millions who are suffering silently around the world…thank u is the least I can say.

By: Miia After realizing I needed a lot more food, I was eating huge amounts of ground meat on each sitting. It was no stopping. I could easily eat something like over 1/2 kg or closer to 1 kg… No I am not tall… I am quite short.

By: Barb Great to see this post, as we who don’t have weight to lose tend to be in the minority, and finding info on how to gain pounds is sparse! I’m not on SCD per say, but did a slow process of eliminating foods for the past 10 months, losing 20 lbs. Unfortunately, that’s 20lbs underweight for me (I’m 5’6″ and 107lbs now). I lost most of it in the last few months, partly from the autoimmune paleo diet, and partly from increased food intolerances (including FODMAP/SIBO/salicylate issues). I still can only eat a small number of foods, but I’ve finally stabilized and am starting to feel the positive effects of gut healing and reduced inflammation, despite not tolerating bone broth and still eating quinoa. My blood protein levels are very low, so my doc has suggested I eat more protein. Guess it’s time to start weighing stuff so I know how many calories I’m getting! PS: LOVE your podcast – keep up the great work!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Jennifer.

Hi Jennifer,

It really is a big change when you switch over to natural foods isn’t it! Sometimes I still cannot believe I get to eat so much! I’ve come to like being “full” after each meal!

You should defiantly try making your yogurt with whole milk or even half-and-half, trust me you’ll like the different texture!

By: Jennifer When I first began the diet, I couldn’t believe how much food I needed to feel full! After the first few weeks, this need leveled off a bit. I’m 5’2″ and weigh 106-108 pounds, so I don’t want to lose any weight. My husband keeps telling me that we’ll start making my SCD yogurt with whole milk instead of 2% so I don’t lose pounds, but I’m just eating more avocados instead. 🙂
