Comments on: The Top Three Ways to Manage the SCD Diet at Work Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 10 May 2016 17:06:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jill Any tips on how to bring your own food but NOT have to talk about it to anyone? I get terribly uncomfortable and frustrated when co-workers ask very personal and embarrassing questions in front of everyone like, “how did you know you had to eat this way? what were your symptoms?” I just want to steer the conversation away from my diet and back to the business at hand as quickly as possible.

By: Me I don’t agree with pretending to have allergies. Allergies are serious and can be life threatening, when people who are simply intolerant or choose not to eat a food say they are allergic it leads to people not taking real allergies seriously.

By: Sherry Good article. Eating SCD at work can be awkward. My work is fairly social, but they always go out for fun and not for business, so I usually do skip it. If I do need to go for a business reason, I order what I can or resort to a green salad and eat later.

My work has a lot of cakes, pizza, and stuff for treats that I can’t have, so I do get tired of always turning stuff down and explaining that I can’t eat it (we also have a lot of new people all the time). Plus I never get treated!

Actually every Thursday they bring in fresh fruit, so that is something.

By: Jordan Reasoner Christy,
Thanks for the added tips. Sounds like you have had some good experience traveling for work on the SCD Diet. That leaves the rest of us hopeful!

Take Care,

By: Christy Great article! These are really excellent tips. Just wanted to chime in that in business dining situations there are a couple of other things that work for me. For out-of-town meetings where bringing your own food is impractical, you can often have a conversation with the caterer prior to the event and arrange for special meals to be prepared for you. I have never encountered a problem doing this. And my co-workers are often jealous of my more delicious meals. The same goes for dining out, if can’t bring your own food you can often call the restaurant and speak with the chef ahead of time. Explain your dietary needs and usually they can accommodate you. This is especially true for upscale restaurants.

Again, great post! Thanks!
