Comments on: How to Naturally Stop Your Diarrhea in 30 Days Using the SCD Diet Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:25:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Antonela Paun Dear all, I’am writing you from Romania. I found out about the SCD diet starting from Amy Myers diet which is talking about a specific diet that might be used for all autoimmune diseases, that means that is very similar to SCD but in this diet you are not allowed to eat any diary (although with lactose free such as homemade yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.), any eggs and some of vegetables. My husband having severe UC followed that diet for 1 month using also probiotics that almost killed him, he had a huge crisis and each 15-30 min he run at the bathroom. Them i found this SCD diet. We are now in the intro faze but the diarrhea is still there (bleeding stopped anyhow during the first diet), he is extremely tiered, hopeless ad lost again some weight. In the previous 4 days his ankles and articulations from both hands and feet starting to swell, actually they got double compared to the normal size. We went in the hospital and I told his dr about the diet and he said: of course, that is way he is feeling like this, he is albumin low and got swollen. of course the dr asked, why did you gave up on gluten, diet is not anything to do with UC…anyhow, although this diet might be not good for him, having any restriction like this dr is saying is absolute madness. Please help me understand what did we wrong during the 6 days of intro diet: he ate only chicken soup (we followed the recipe), meats of all kinds especially roasted fish, pork, chicken, grape and cherry gelatin and some puree carrots but very few because he didn’t like the taste (i used fresh cherries and i made fresh juice without skin because i know that contains pectin), he didn’t use honey, anything but this food. What is not working, the diarrhea is not stopping and my poor husband lost more weight and the dr says he is about to become suffering of malnutrition. I need to admit that he doesn’t take yet all the prescribed vitamins because in Romania we didn’t found some clean supplements; i will need to buy them from US, most probably. We didn’t introduce the yoghurt yet because we were extremely afraid for another round of die-off. We will do it in the next days. I need urgently your support. My husband took in the past a biologic treatment and because he didn’t had success it was interrupted and from march this year takes the second biologic treatment-infleximab without any response and the dr thinks that he might need to double the dose (with all the risks) because a part of the medicine is getting lost in the feces (because of the low albumin) and doubling the doze could help him maintain at least the necessary dose…i ‘am afraid of accepting this and most probably we will not accept this. I need your help! (Now he is hospital and he is taking some albumin perfusion). Anyone who can give me some advices can mail me:
God bless you all and cure you for this miserable illness!

By: Kate Thanks for all this support and information on SCD. It feels like I can’t know enough about how to do this right. I’ve been on the intro for six days. I feel great, I haven’t had blood in my poo since day 3 which is phenomenal progress for me. I’ve added squash two days ago and until yesterday, I have included the weak coffee and grape juice. I’ve cut them both out today (grape juice has always been a problem of mine) and I noticed a big difference in the frequency and urgency. My question is, even though the diarrhea is not gone, should I continue moving forward as long as I feel I’m making progress?

By: Jilda Loomis Hi Ruth…Hopefully you have been feeling better by now. Are you? Things that I have noticed in my 5 months of being on the SCD is that too much nut meal/flour can also cause the runs. Think of what that nut meal would be if it was processed in the food process for another few minutes; nut butter! Nut butter with all of the oils that come with it. Too much oil of any kind is not good at first. Nor are too many fruits; esp. the stone fruits, I’ve found. The yogurt should be great for you as long as you make it exactly as the recipe calls for (culturing it for 24 hrs min.), but to make smoothies with a bunch of fruit along with the yogurt might be counter productive right now. If you can just keep things simple at first and not overdo anything, you will find that you will get much better results. Maybe just a little honey and some banana in the smoothie at first. Avocado is amazing in a smoothie too, and adds great calories. Getting hurried to gain weight will just cause more diarrhea if you don’t go slowly with this process, and then your calories will be mostly going down the toilet anyway. Good luck with all.

By: Ruth Hi, I’ve been on the scd diet for 8 days now. Before I started the diet, I was on prednisone, cort enemas, sulfazalzine and a mountain of vitamins(after being hospitalized a month ago with a bad flare). Still had D before starting the diet but very controlled 1-2x day. On the second day on the diet, my D felt worse, even more watery. Since then, I haven’t felt an improvement. Started the intro strictly for 3 days, then introduced other allowable foods because of my weight issues. Made a banana nut cake yesterday and made not only me but my husband have D (he doesn’t have digestive disorders). Not sure if it’s the nut flour but it’s really discouraging 🙁 . My yogurt maker should be arriving today, and I really think that the breakfast smoothies will help me with my under weight but don’t want to get any worse starting the scd yogurt. Really worried that the diet is not going to work for me. Can you provide any insight, please.

By: Linda Landis Our son has been on the diet for 8 days and is throwing up daily. Yes, he did eat too many nuts on the 2nd day but it doesnt seem like he should still be paying for that indulgence. We think that maybe the Asacol medicine may be causing this. Has anyone else had that experience?
